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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Demographic inventory of Iraqis.. Will the population census succeed in curbing the fangs of sectari

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Demographic inventory of Iraqis.. Will the population census succeed in curbing the fangs of sectari Empty Demographic inventory of Iraqis.. Will the population census succeed in curbing the fangs of sectari

    Post by Rocky Sat 25 May 2024, 4:54 am

    [size=38]Demographic inventory of Iraqis.. Will the population census succeed in curbing the fangs of sectarian purposes?[/size]

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    May 24, 2024[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    Baghdad/Al-Masala Al-Hadath: The Iraqi authorities are preparing to conduct a comprehensive population census for the country during the coming months, in a step aimed at obtaining accurate statistics about the population and its geographical and demographic distribution. But there are doubts about the possibility of controlling this census due to several factors, as Iraq faces great challenges in conducting an accurate population census, due to ongoing national and sectarian conflicts, the spread of illiteracy and ignorance in marginalized areas, in addition to possible partisan interventions to inflate the numbers of different groups.
    The inclusion of a question about the religion of citizens in the census form also raises controversy, as it will take the issue of sect into account, which raises fears of its repercussions on the already tense sectarian situation.
    There are currently no comprehensive modern data available on the demographic and sectarian structure in Iraq, partly due to the failure to conduct a comprehensive population census since 1987, as subsequent population estimates relied on surveys and partial administrative data, which led to discrepancies in numbers between different sources.
    The issue of collecting data on sectarian affiliation is considered sensitive in Iraq, for fear of it being used for political purposes or exacerbating sectarian tensions.
    Estimates indicate that the population of Iraq will range between 40 and 45 million people in 2024, with Muslims making up about 95% of the population, divided into Shiites, who constitute the majority, with a percentage ranging between 60% and 65%, and Sunnis, who constitute a percentage of 30% to 35%. .
    The Iraqi Ministry of Planning announced that the general census will be conducted in all Iraqi governorates, including the Kurdistan Region, during next November.

    The spokesman for the Ministry of Planning, Abdul Zahra Al-Hindawi, said that the ministry will conduct the general census in all Iraqi governorates on October 20, adding that the governorates of the Kurdistan Region are also included.
    Al-Hindawi stated that the census includes a question about the religion of citizens, but it does not ask about nationality.
    He added that this May, the Iraqi Ministry of Planning chose a rural area and an urban area in each governorate to test the population census process, in order to identify the challenges and problems that may face the process, and work to solve them now.
    Al-Hindawi pointed out that the census has many benefits and goals, the most important of which is obtaining an accurate development database through which a fair distribution of wealth can be achieved.
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