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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Will the next census succeed ?!

    Admin Assist
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    Will the next census succeed ?! Empty Will the next census succeed ?!

    Post by Rocky Sun 16 Feb 2020, 1:59 am

    Will the next census succeed ?!

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    Yasser Al-Metwally 
    Economists, researchers, interested and interested people have high hopes for the census (general population census) to be organized at the end of this year, so that they can put the correct frameworks for structural reform of the economy, which suffers from deep-rooted distortions with which it is difficult to solve the main challenges.
    The most prominent question here is will the general population succeed?
    It is well known that the figures close to reality are more positive and beneficial in drawing up sound plans and policies and preparing the fertile ground for the decision-maker and the legislator to adopt the safest way to address the challenges.
    The depth of the problem in front of making clear and non-messy decisions to rely on hypothetical, inaccurate and outdated numbers that have been eternal, drunk and ineffective, especially since the country has gone through many events that have led to changes in the general reality of the country, and most decisions are unsuccessful and do not meet the purpose, and the challenges remain pending without Precise solutions.
    I was impressed by two young men who surprised me in a chance conversation that brought me together in a break in a recent statistical conference.
    I say a coincidence, because the way they interacted with me without prior knowledge, he asked me a question about my opinion of the possible results of the conference and it was really a prudent question. Let us follow the proceedings of the discussion sessions for the most prominent research papers. Here, the conversation ended.
    And as soon as the discussion sessions began, it was truly sound, approved and selected research in a proper way, and included between its authors and its providers international and Arab experiences, in addition to the Iraqi academic experiences.
    Where does the lesson lie? 
    We have to make sure now, as long as we are in the early preparations stage to organize the general population census to be held later this year, that we can benefit from the results of the research and recommendations that came out of that conference, especially that I blended in his recommendations based on successful international experiences in this field.
    Then it is necessary to search for ways to create a positive environment for organizing this census in order to obtain accurate statistics in the light of which can put effective solutions and proper planning and the development of annual, medium and long-term plans. It is necessary to provide the basic requirements, including the necessary material and human capabilities, and enlist the enumerators in focused training courses. The most important thing is to resolve the differences in many geographical borders between the governorates and the problem of the disputed regions in order for the statistics to be true and accurate to ensure finding successful solutions to all the challenges facing our economy from poverty and unemployment rates and solving the problems of services, housing and roads in front of these challenges. Our question emerged in the introduction to the article (Will it succeed? Census?).
    Hope remains dependent on the national will and sincerity of intentions to rebuild a new Iraq that lives up to its resources, human and material resources.

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