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    Targeting restaurants threatens the investment environment.. A “negative” circle surrounds Iraq and

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    Targeting restaurants threatens the investment environment.. A “negative” circle surrounds Iraq and  Empty Targeting restaurants threatens the investment environment.. A “negative” circle surrounds Iraq and

    Post by Rocky Fri 07 Jun 2024, 4:33 am

    Targeting restaurants threatens the investment environment.. A “negative” circle surrounds Iraq and foreign companies are cautious

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    [rtl]There has been talk again about the dwindling opportunities for foreign companies to come to Iraq, after a wave of armed targeting of a number of companies and restaurants that have agencies, including American, British, and other nationalities, recently in Baghdad, for reasons attributed by the implementing authorities to the association of these companies with countries that support the Israeli aggression on Gaza. This matter is according to Experts will undermine the chances of convincing the Iraqi government to enter the country and invest in various sectors due to real security risks.[/rtl]
    [rtl]In this regard, economic expert Abdul Rahman Al-Mashhadani believes that the attacks that targeted a group of companies and restaurants in Baghdad will cast a shadow on the investment reality inside Iraq.[/rtl]
    [rtl]Al-Mashhadani said, “The repeated targeting of a number of companies, international agencies or others, gives a clear message that there is no possibility or desire for foreign companies to come to Iraq, which will add to the negative factors affecting the investment climate inside the country,” pointing out that “the Iraqi government worked during The past period has focused on improving the investment climate and attracting various companies and providing all facilities, including the American companies that Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Soudtani met with during his recent visit to Washington and gave indications of the existence of a suitable environment for investment. However, after the attacks that occurred, these companies took a negative impression on the security reality. In Iraq in general, given that these companies do not know Palestine Street or Karrada, but rather their position is comprehensive to all parts of the country, it is unstable.”[/rtl]
    [rtl]He added, “Most businessmen and investors rely on international rating agencies for the credit ratings they give to Iraq, and according to the ratings that put Iraq at late levels and depend on indicators of security and political stability, the matter will also reinforce the unwillingness of international companies to enter Iraq.”[/rtl]
    [rtl]Al-Mashhadani added, “The events that recently took place in the heart of the capital, Baghdad, cannot be described unilaterally, whether they were security or political, but rather both,” noting that “the security forces cannot deal with the parties responsible for them, given that these parties are supported by Political forces sharing power.”[/rtl]
    [rtl]Since the end of last May, restaurants and companies bearing American brands have been subjected to attacks and assaults, as people attacked restaurants in the Palestine Street area in central Baghdad, and this was preceded by attacks on restaurants and companies in various areas of the capital.[/rtl]
    [rtl]While the US State Department called on the Iraqi government to hold accountable those responsible for the attacks that targeted American and international restaurants and companies in the capital, Baghdad.[/rtl]
    [rtl]US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller said in a press briefing, “These attacks harm Iraqi workers as well as the capital being employed there, and therefore they are attacks on the Iraqi people.”[/rtl]
    [rtl]The streets of the capital, Baghdad, witnessed intense deployment in anticipation of any emergency, following attacks that targeted American restaurants during the recent period, causing damage to them without causing any human casualties.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The attacks come as an expression of anger at the American position in support of Israel in its war on Gaza, as several countries are witnessing widespread boycott campaigns of Western installations, especially American ones.[/rtl]

    Views 41
    Added 06/07/2024 - 11:38 AM
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