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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Chambers of Commerce determine the reasons for the rise in the dollar exchange rate and talk about “

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Chambers of Commerce determine the reasons for the rise in the dollar exchange rate and talk about “ Empty Chambers of Commerce determine the reasons for the rise in the dollar exchange rate and talk about “

    Post by Rocky Wed 12 Jun 2024, 2:44 pm

    Chambers of Commerce determine the reasons for the rise in the dollar exchange rate and talk about “speculation” - urgent
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad today - Diyala 
    Today, Wednesday (June 12, 2024), the Chambers of Commerce identified the reasons for the rise in the dollar exchange rate in Iraqi markets and money exchanges, while indicating that the parallel market in Iraq is mobile and not fixed.
    The head of the Diyala Chamber of Commerce, Muhammad Al-Tamimi, said in an interview with “Baghdad Al-Youm” that, “For 72 hours, the dollar has been witnessing a movement and rise to the top, even if it was slow, but it raised concern that it might be the beginning of a rise through which it would break the barrier of 150,000 dinars for every 100 dollars.”
    He added, "The approval of budget schedules and the release of financial financing for projects with the presence of speculation and the promotion of inaccurate information about the conditions of the parallel markets to raise anxiety all pushed the exchange rate to move higher."
    Al-Tamimi pointed out that "the parallel market in Iraq is dynamic and there are no constants through which its compass can be determined for the medium term, but the coming days may give clearer indications about the nature of the compass, whether by moving upward or returning to the usual prices at which the dollar has remained for recent months."
    In the past two days, the dollar exchange rates recorded an increase against the Iraqi dinar, which is considered the highest compared to the past weeks, in which the dollar prices witnessed a noticeable decline and approached 144 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars, while prices recorded approximately 149 thousand dinars for every 100 US dollars.
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