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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Hidden hands do not want reconstruction and construction there.. “Corruption fever” drains 1,500 bil

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    Hidden hands do not want reconstruction and construction there.. “Corruption fever” drains 1,500 bil Empty Hidden hands do not want reconstruction and construction there.. “Corruption fever” drains 1,500 bil

    Post by Rocky Wed 19 Jun 2024, 4:14 am

    Hidden hands do not want reconstruction and construction there.. “Corruption fever” drains 1,500 billion dinars from Babylon’s treasury - Urgent
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today,
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
     Representative Amir Al-Mamouri confirmed today, Wednesday (June 19, 2024), that Babil Governorate lost 1,500 billion dinars due to the fever of corruption that has permeated state institutions.
     Al-Mamouri said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", "Correct state building begins with combating corruption, which is no less dangerous than terrorism, but rather is a path to creating chaos, draining its resources, and plundering public money in various ways, and this is what the provinces, including Babylon, are suffering from."
    He added, "Babylon, according to our reading, lost 1,500 billion dinars due to the corruption fever, which took multiple forms, including allocating distinctive plots of land in important commercial streets to people, even though their value amounts to billions of dinars," pointing out that "some of them were stopped and an investigation was opened by the Integrity Department because all The mechanisms adopted are in violation of the law.”
    He pointed out that "exposing the corrupt networks that are manipulating Babylon's capabilities and plundering its resources, including lands, requires concerted efforts because what is happening is deliberate sabotage and an effort to keep the situation without any real change," stressing that "there are hidden hands that do not want reconstruction and construction in this governorate and what we have revealed." It is a major and dangerous corruption file that requires governmental effort by oversight teams to uncover all its secrets and refer those involved to the Iraqi judiciary.”
    The professor of political science at Al-Mustansiriya University, Issam Al-Faili, confirmed on Tuesday (June 18, 2024) that the current Prime Minister, Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani, is ahead of his predecessors among previous prime ministers in the field of combating corruption.
    Al-Faili told “Baghdad Today” that “as part of the strategy to combat the waste of public money is the diligent follow-up of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani in more than one of the joints of the state,” noting that “this embarrassed many of his allies who were not convinced of this trend and the disagreement became clear, especially Al-Sudani limited the governorates’ budget to prevent its political and electoral exploitation during the upcoming House of Representatives elections to prevent any suspicions of corruption or waste of public money.”
    He added, "The Integrity Commission has closed many doors to waste of public money through accounting and holding senior officials accountable, but we need to hold accountable the senior officials who have not yet been held accountable and have not been subjected to accountability. Where did you get this?"
    He stated that "standing against corruption mafias is a solidarity responsibility that includes the forces that know who is contributing to the waste and theft of public money, and so far some political forces have not risen to the level of holding the corrupt accountable. Rather, those forces support corruption mafias."
    The political science professor confirmed, “Al-Sudani faces a challenge, like any previous or future prime minister, in confronting the corruption mafias due to the political protection of these mafias. Rather, some parties are trying to use the Iraqi street in order to stand against anti-corruption operations in one way or another.”
    Al-Faili concluded by saying, “Al-Sudani has advanced steps in combating corruption, but the problem is that the political scene in Iraq is built on the basis of corruption, and as long as there is quotas, there is definitely corruption, and that is why the political forces stand against those who try to fight corruption, and this is the real and greatest challenge for the Prime Minister, and the matter sometimes reaches To the point of boycotting some political forces.”
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      Current date/time is Thu 27 Jun 2024, 2:32 am