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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Jacobson, “Professor” Romanowski... a clear expression of a “new American strategy” in Iraq - urgent

    Admin Assist
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    Jacobson, “Professor” Romanowski... a clear expression of a “new American strategy” in Iraq - urgent Empty Jacobson, “Professor” Romanowski... a clear expression of a “new American strategy” in Iraq - urgent

    Post by Rocky Thu 20 Jun 2024, 4:30 am

    Jacobson, “Professor” Romanowski... a clear expression of a “new American strategy” in Iraq - urgent

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    Baghdad today - Baghdad
    Today, Wednesday (June 19, 2024), political affairs researcher Muhammad Ali Al-Hakim revealed the most prominent tasks of the new American ambassador to Iraq, Tracy Jacobson, during the next phase, confirming the existence of a new strategy for the American administration in the country .
    Al-Hakim said in an interview with “Baghdad Today” that “the tension and attraction between the new American Ambassador Extraordinary in Iraq, Tracy Jacobson, on the one hand, and the factions, on the other hand, confirms the existence of a new strategy for the American administration in Iraq, and Jacobson is of higher rank and experience than Romanowski (the current ambassador) and will be.” Ambassador extraordinaire, meaning she has the freedom to make decisions without referring to Washington, and she also has the right to conclude agreements in the name of the state. Specifically, Jacobson served in the White House and also contributed to drawing important strategies related to American national security and the president’s decisions. She is considered a mentor to former American Ambassador Romanski in terms of Work, experience and powers assigned to it.”
    He explained that "Washington's goal to appoint such an ambassador, in this sensitive circumstance, carries with it many hidden and encrypted messages and connotations that will become clear little by little in the Independent, the most prominent of which is targeting armed factions and curbing the parties that stood in opposition to the Iraqi governments and that targeted American interests and to limit their activities in the region." Specifically in Iraq."
    He added, "Washington also wants to limit the activity of armed factions externally, which have become a source of nuisance to the Israeli entity, as well as target Iranian interests in Iraq, the real supporter of the factions, and completely stop Iranian activity and target Iran's allies in order to be a card for US President Biden to maneuver with during the US elections." After the normalization card between Saudi Arabia and Israel, as well as the peace process and the two-state solution (Israel and Palestine) in the near future, have disappeared.”
    The speech of US Ambassador Tracy Jacobson, who will soon be appointed to Iraq, sparked a governmental and political reaction because of its “determination” to overthrow Iranian interests in the country, starting with energy and ending with support for armed factions.
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      Current date/time is Thu 27 Jun 2024, 2:25 am