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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Türkiye establishes 14 military bases in the region, and the incursion increases by 15 percent in on

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Türkiye establishes 14 military bases in the region, and the incursion increases by 15 percent in on Empty Türkiye establishes 14 military bases in the region, and the incursion increases by 15 percent in on

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Jul 2024, 4:30 am

    Türkiye establishes 14 military bases in the region, and the incursion increases by 15 percent in one month
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today
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    Baghdad Today - Baghdad
    MP Rafiq Al-Salihi announced today, Sunday (July 28, 2024), that Turkish forces have established 14 advanced military bases in the Kurdistan Region.
    Al-Salihi said in an interview with Baghdad Today, "The Turkish invasion is a source of concern and represents a violation of national sovereignty and pushes matters to a dangerous stage of escalation that may lead to great chaos, stressing that Ankara has established 14 advanced military bases in several areas of the region under the pretext of fighting the Kurdistan Workers' Party, but what is happening is a blatant violation on the lands of an independent state."
    He added that "he called for the necessity of holding an emergency session of the House of Representatives to discuss the danger of the Turkish invasion and the construction of more military bases and its handling of the water file and its exploitation as a pressure card in a manner that is not consistent with the principles of good neighborliness."
    Al-Salihi pointed out that "filing a complaint to the United Nations is a necessity imposed by the facts on the ground, which we must deal with with a national stance, and the invasion must stop and the military bases must be evacuated because it was carried out without official approval from Baghdad."
    An informed security source revealed, on Monday (July 22, 2024), new details regarding the ongoing Turkish operations in Dohuk Governorate in the Kurdistan Region.
    The source said in an interview with "Baghdad Today" that "the Turkish operations that have been ongoing for more than two weeks have resulted in the displacement of residents of more than 250 villages in the areas of Jabal Matin, Amadiyah, Kani Masi and Batufa."
    He added, "There are ongoing nightly clashes between PKK members and the Turkish army, the latest of which was yesterday, when the clashes resulted in the killing of 6 PKK members."
    The source indicated that "Turkish forces are conducting combing operations and have recently built a new military base on Mount Matin in Dohuk Governorate."
    The source said, "The Turkish operations led to economic losses as a result of forest fires, as well as the displacement of farmers and pasture owners."
    The Turkish side says that its operations in the Kurdistan Region aim to create a buffer zone free of the Kurdistan Workers' Party and at a depth of 40 kilometers, pointing out that the military operations taking place were coordinated and conducted by a joint operations room with the Iraqi security forces, and are part of a set of memoranda of understanding and agreements signed between Al-Sudani and Erdogan during his visit to Iraq a few months ago.
    The Treaty of Lausanne is a treaty signed in 1923 that defined the Turkish borders after the end of World War I and the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire. The Treaty of Lausanne and its terms expired 100 years after it was signed, during the past year 2023.
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      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 11:48 am