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    Integrity announces imminent launch of "principle of rule of justice" to combat corruption

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Integrity announces imminent launch of "principle of rule of justice" to combat corruption Empty Integrity announces imminent launch of "principle of rule of justice" to combat corruption

    Post by Rocky Tue 13 Aug 2024, 5:16 am

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]Integrity announces imminent launch of "principle of rule of justice" to combat corruption[/size]
    • Today 12:45


    The Integrity Commission announced today, Tuesday, the imminent launch of the "principle of the rule of justice" to combat corruption.
    The Chairman of the Federal Integrity Commission, Judge Haider Hanoun, said in a joint conference with the Chairman of the Communications and Media Commission, Ali Al-Muayyad: “We live in a democratic system in which the citizen enjoys freedom, and we must convey the facts to the citizen, because the media is the eye that reveals things,” noting that “the Integrity Commission, based on the United Nations Convention ratified by Iraq, has the powers and vision to build a foundation to consolidate the concept of transparency by relying on the media to convey the facts to the people.”
    He pointed out that "the Integrity Commission will launch in the coming days the principle of the rule of justice that Imam Ali (peace be upon him) applied to fight corruption," noting that "the principle of the rule of justice gives commitment and consideration with neutrality and justice in dealing with all files."
    He explained that "this conference aims to support what was proposed yesterday by the supreme authority regarding combating drugs," stressing "the existence of a cooperative strategy between the Integrity Commission and the Media and Communications Commission to support efforts to combat drugs, and that what was issued yesterday by the supreme authority identified the reasons for the tragedies that have befallen us, which have led to the spread of drugs, which are one of the causes of corruption."
    Hanoun said, "The Integrity Commission stands with all institutions facing the threat of drugs, and will stand with them in accordance with the constitution and the law." End/25
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