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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Has the authority entered the Personal Status Law crisis? Framework: The law will be passed with or

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    Has the authority entered the Personal Status Law crisis? Framework: The law will be passed with or  Empty Has the authority entered the Personal Status Law crisis? Framework: The law will be passed with or

    Post by Rocky Wed 04 Sep 2024, 4:24 am

    Has the authority entered the Personal Status Law crisis? Framework: The law will be passed with or without consensus - Urgent
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today,
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    Baghdad Today - Baghdad
    The leader of the Coordination Framework, Issam Al-Kriti, revealed today, Wednesday (September 4, 2024), the truth about the authority’s interference in amending the Personal Status Law in Iraq, while stressing that the amendment will pass with or without consensus.
    Al-Kriti said in an interview with Baghdad Today, "The amendment of the Personal Status Law has turned into a political conflict, and some forces have used it as a bargaining chip and pressure to introduce controversial laws, which raises many question marks." He stressed that "everyone realizes the importance of the amendments in ending a societal crisis that Iraqi families are suffering from through an Islamic principle that gives freedom to all groups without exception."
    He added, "It is not possible to predict whether the amendments will pass or not in light of intersections that are rather political and not based on facts, especially since many of the fallacies raised about the law are incorrect and far from the essence of its provisions."
     He pointed out that "the distinguished scholars of the religious seminary and some scholars have put forward their opinions for years about amending the Personal Status Law on more than one point, and they are based on Islamic doctrinal foundations that address the problem and do justice to everyone," adding, "However, the matter remains subject to the House of Representatives to proceed with the amendments or delay them," denying "the existence of a binding fatwa for the House of Representatives on the necessity of proceeding with approving the law or canceling the amendment if there is no consensus on it."
    Visual media outlets reported, according to sources close to the religious authority, that the office of the authority in Najaf threatened to issue a fatwa to reject amending the Personal Status Law if it was not agreed upon by the Iraqi parties.
    The Coordination Framework revealed on Monday (September 2, 2024) the truth about the existence of external pressures from various countries to prevent the House of Representatives from amending the Personal Status Law.
    The representative of the framework, Mukhtar al-Moussawi, told "Baghdad Today" that "the news that spoke about the existence of external pressures to prevent the Iraqi parliament from amending the personal status law is incorrect and there is no such pressure."
    Al-Moussawi said, "Even if there were American or external pressures from different parties, they would not be able to prevent the House of Representatives from passing this amendment, and the majority of the Shiite members of parliament are supporters of this amendment," stressing that "this amendment will pass with this majority even if the Sunni or Kurdish political forces boycott the voting session."
    For some time now, Iraqi circles have been witnessing an escalation in discussions and the presentation of religious and civil opinions and ideas alike, regarding the amendment of Law 188 of 1959 on Iraqi personal status, which has shown beyond doubt the division of the country into two lines with no third, “religious and civil.”
    It is noteworthy that the House of Representatives completed, on Sunday (August 4, 2024), the first reading of the proposed law amending Personal Status Law No. 188 of 1959.
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      Current date/time is Sat 14 Sep 2024, 9:00 am