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    Dollar rises and fears of a return bleeding fever currency


    Posts : 5315
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Dollar rises and fears of a return bleeding fever currency Empty Dollar rises and fears of a return bleeding fever currency

    Post by wciappetta Tue 26 May 2015, 8:27 am

    This is the weird part, the CBI claims a controlled float officially,yet we have observed a peg that being the case it should have adjusted the rate to reflect the dollar strength, it certainly has the reserves to do it. So then why are they allowing undue stress in the economy via the exchange rate? Yeah they can blame speculators but gosh they could squash it in a second if they chose to.

     Again  IMO  they created the problem; it is an attempt to push folks into the banking system and judging by the recent uptick in bank cards I conclude the plan is working. Understand though they will not  get everyone in the system prior to revalue yet they  do have the bulk of the kurd and shia population. 

    I imagine secondly Ramadi in Anbar province is important to the banking system being the capital of the province thus clearly a center for banking. Incorporating the Sunnis in the RV process requires major banking locales not be in the hands of Isis, So I'm watching the military progress with keen interest. Mosul too is important being home to a CBI branch office. 


    Interesting how an article can dust off the aspects surrounding the logistics of this investment in the sense of bringing lower denoms into the region and not having them stolen, access to ATM's etc. Though we most likely won't be paying attention long after the RV hopefully a prospering economy can over long haul win the hearts and minds....

    Dollar rises and fears of a return bleeding fever currency

    May 25, 2015


    Again the dollar came back height Moukza fears the near return of bleeding process fever yesterday to the top of the scene, a stronger dollar means higher imported goods, which dominate the local market clearly.

    It is hard currency rise, which comes at a time the country has suffered from financial hardship as a result of low oil prices which is the backbone of the national economy and touching his aorta on the one hand and rising government expenditures on the war effort on the other hand, the investment spending account the fears of the return of currency speculators to enter the market in a downward spiral phantom projects and deals corrupt fears This found resonance in the Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister Dr. remarks appearance of Mohammed Saleh which he warned that there are scandals of the people dealing with the Central Bank are contracting and project corrupt, revealed the existence of people did not identify deal with the central bank and are contracting and project corrupt.

    Saleh added in a televised interview that there are people who are dealing with the Central Bank are contracting and project corrupt.

    globally The dollar rose broadly against a basket of major currencies, the other on Monday, as the Chairperson of the Federal Reserve Janet remarks unrelenting support for the dollar.

    It was likely that trading remains in the market is weak because of the closure of markets in the United Kingdom and the United States and Germany because of a public holiday ..

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