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    Foreign clarify Iraq's position with Russia: we do not want to enter a clash of superpowers


    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Foreign clarify Iraq's position with Russia: we do not want to enter a clash of superpowers Empty Foreign clarify Iraq's position with Russia: we do not want to enter a clash of superpowers

    Post by wciappetta Mon 12 Oct 2015, 6:42 am

    Foreign clarify Iraq's position with Russia: we do not want to enter a clash of superpowers

    e 10.12.2015

    Detection Spokesman for the Foreign Ministry Ahmad Jamal, on Monday, not to make contact by his ministry with the Russian side on the four-party alliance, stressing that Iraq's position to deal with the Russians in the war against the terrorist organization Daash will be well and diplomatically.

    Said Jamal's / scales News / "Russia so far has not intervened in the military affairs of Iraq on the fight against al Daash terrorist and this limited government on the general commander of the armed forces, Haider al-Abadi," explaining that "Iraq will deal diplomatically with the support of the countries of Iraq to the fight against terrorism. "

    He said Spokesman for the Foreign Ministry that "we will deal positively with the Russians in the war against Daash terrorist and will not limit ourselves to one country or a particular axis or Nnhsp on the edge of the fact that Iraq did not want to be part of the conflict, the great powers in the region," noting that "any correspondences from by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with the Russian side did not occur until now we did not send delegations and our dealings with Russia will be directly diplomatically. "

    It is said that "Iraqi officials are trying to downplay this stunning deviation ties Iraq to the east gate of Baghdad's cooperation Alaschbarata and security with Russia, Iran and Syria, so that some of them went so far as to say that al-Abadi Russian presence growing in the region may be used as a means of pressure on the Americans in his quest to get more weapons from Washington, "is that these attempts collide with the growing indicators, which confirms that the government of al-Abadi may be chosen to jump off the ship US ally to ship Russia and Iran, so that no one is able to predict the final destination, which can take the state of polarization intense and multi-faceted region. "

    Referred to as the "head of the Iraqi government, Haider al-Abadi, defended Iraq's accession to the" quartet alliance ", which includes Russia, Iran, Syria, waving to" military cooperation with him ", criticized the politicians that position which" prevents the country an arena for settling international accounts . "Finished / 29 / D 24

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