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    The budget back to the government after strong objections made by the blocks

    Interacting Investor
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    The budget back to the government after strong objections made by the blocks  Empty The budget back to the government after strong objections made by the blocks

    Post by lonelyintexas Wed 18 Nov 2015, 8:25 am

    The budget back to the government after strong objections made by the blocks

    BAGHDAD / long-Presse


    The Board of Representatives, yesterday, re-draft budget law to the Cabinet for discussion after completing its second reading, at the request of the ministers who attended yesterday's meeting to clarify some of the paragraphs of the law. And summoned the House of Representatives, yesterday, Minister of Finance and Planning and oil to indicate the government's view on the financial budget law for next year 2016.
    A parliamentary source said in an interview to the (long-Presse), "The Presidency of the Council of Representatives decided during the 38th session of the first legislative term of the second legislative year call Finance ministers Hoshyar Zebari and Oil Adel Abdul Mahdi and planning Salman Jumaili for the purpose of showing the government's view on the financial budget law for next year 2016 ".
    On the other hand, MP for the coalition of state law Haider Mawla said in an interview with a number of media, including (range Press), said that" House of Representatives re-draft budget to the government at the request of the ministers who were hosting that are returning the government to the parliament on Sunday to discuss it.
    "On the sidelines of the parliamentary session, MP for the Civil Alliance high-Sheikh Ali, the budget 2016 Baltdmirah, and while pointing to the existence of the secrets in the negotiations between the government and the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, he stressed that incredible views of Ministers on attracting investment to Iraq after the failure in this area for 12 years.
    A member of the existing high-Sheikh Ali, at a press conference held at the parliament building and attended (range Press), he was "in the public the past and we described the budget 2015 budget prosthetic, but this year Vemoazinh 2016 destructive and not a prosthesis.  "said Sheikh Ali" we hosted the ministers of planning and finance, oil, and I can describe them to our meeting we did not listen only to the creation of economic non-eloquent, "pointing to" the existence of the secrets in the negotiations with the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank ministers did not talk about.
    "He said MP from the Civil Alliance that" one of these important secrets imposed by the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank which is to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar to be the price of 1500 dinars, "noting that" in the case of Iraq approval on the condition, it means the destruction of the Iraqi economy.
    "He continued, Sheikh Ali" for Ansedk Minister on the subject of investment because the government could not bring investors over 12 years, "describing the variable but by the minister as" laughed chins.
    "In a statement issued by the information department of the parliament, seen by (long-Presse), prior to the meeting said that "the House of Representatives will be held, its the 38 of the first legislative term of the second legislative year,"  and included the House of Representatives agenda of the meeting "vote on the draft Martyrs Foundation Act, and the report and discuss the draft general budget of the Federal Republic of Iraq for the financial year law in 2016, in addition to reading the report and discuss the first draft amendment to the law of insurance on personal responsibility for the staff of government departments and public sector Law No. (47) for the year 1990, and read the report and discuss the draft amendment to the Code of Criminal Procedure Act No. 23 of 1971, and discuss the work of the Committee of the Regions plan and governorates not organized in a region.
    The Presidency of the Council of Representatives decided to adjournment of the 38th session of the first legislative term of the second legislative year to next Thursday, after the termination of the second reading of the law of the financial budget for the next year in 2016.
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    This article seems to show they reworked the budget pulling out the amounts the IMF and WB told them to so they can move forward for 2016.
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 2030
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    The budget back to the government after strong objections made by the blocks  Empty Re: The budget back to the government after strong objections made by the blocks

    Post by sassy Wed 18 Nov 2015, 9:00 am

    This is great!thumbs

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