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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Provide liquidity as possible

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    Provide liquidity as possible  Empty Provide liquidity as possible

    Post by Rocky Sun 17 Jan 2016, 7:01 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] By [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] 26 minutes ago
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    Adel Abdul Mahdi,
    The country is facing budget liquidity crisis, like many countries .. But the country's reasonable possibilities allow to ease the crisis, and these are some trends executable immediately, and there are other require some action. What conditions the central bank still reassuring .. Despite the decline in the reserve but has reserves of more than 50 billion .. For comparison only, it has been the reserve in mid-2003 .. almost non-existent oil and imports less than 20% of what it is today, despite lower prices .. and foreign debt exceeds 120 billion dollars, and the interior in the highest level, and imports plunging markets. Although the Reserve Bank is not the property of the government, but it represents a guarantee to move the economy, through the monetary instruments and exchange and interest rates, banks and secondary markets to help the government. The state institutions financial accounts deposited in banks tens of trillions of dinars. The money belonging mainly to the ministries and companies .. But some of this money, can contribute to the establishment of funds and portfolios help generate more currency that helps to improve the liquidity of the state vital pumping in economic activities. Among the citizens banknotes ranging from 30-40 trillion dinars. . The money, of course, are the property of the citizens .. and did not enter the economic cycle or banks, it is a process of hoarding, and the freezing of funds. It is known that saving sense Economic must be equivalent to investment .. and therefore can lure trillions of dinars to enter the session and the transition to a productive money, invested all its consequences on the liquidity and other economic aspects .. and will be considered a real transition from the cash economy Cash Economy to the banking sector, which is the reform Imad modern economies and lever development. state owns the assets of tens and hundreds of trillions of dinars from in-kind assets, and real estate assets, and land and plants are idle, and buildings experience and assets of the neglected, and the investments lost to ill departments, investment and opportunities for successful, the activities of the economy move and lift the burden of the state large burdens, and provide Saullac quick and direct, serious economic reforms. Can fiscal policy of tax and other help in providing more resources for the State of intelligent measures do not strain the citizen, and move the economy Ahli. Does not exceed inflation levels of 2% .. The debt is high .. Iraq has oil wealth .. large reserves .. natural resources. . investment opportunities and great .. and these are all the temptations of an attractive, to lend Iraq and given the necessary facilities in different forms. Religion is not a defect or shortage, it is economically, if they need to face in investment trends and possessed payment capabilities.Indeed, Iraq has always met its obligations when he was in the toughest conditions .. So the World Bank to agree to give Iraq recently did not hesitate a loan of $ 1.2 billion on easy terms, on condition stop burning gas and stave off the collapse of the Mosul Dam, and all these things are in the end, for the sake of economy and the country. What exists today in the treasury, nevertheless Dafh- not more than it was in the Treasury at the beginning of 2015 .. nevertheless managed to Iraq in crossing safely despite a lot of difficulties, and the war against "Daash" and the destruction of many of the facilities, including the refinery "Peggy". . This thing of Finance and the central records and prime minister .. It cut unnecessary expenditures, and spent only 63% of the budget of 2015, as well as by increasing production of oil and exports than planned, which offset the rate of loss due to falling prices .. and achieved a net oil resources of $ 43.046 billion, driven them full dues of oil companies, which would be certainly (receivables) in 2016 lower than in 2015. concern the state and citizens legitimate concern .. and must inform the public on the facts no matter how harsh .. but panic and launch rumors and lies and scaring people is the work detrimental.The solutions will not provide a complete solution and a final, but it will help to relieve the pressure. And resolve the issue of liquidity remains less complicated than resolving the issue of the economy as a whole .. This is the best opportunity to make radical reforms, reduce the country's dependence on oil .. and launched the movement in market economics and enliven in various real sectors. This article reflects the views of the writer and has nothing to do Roudao network media point of view

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