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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A crowd of Babylon: five thousand fighters have not been paid three months ago

    Admin Assist
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    A crowd of Babylon: five thousand fighters have not been paid three months ago Empty A crowd of Babylon: five thousand fighters have not been paid three months ago

    Post by Rocky Wed 10 Feb 2016, 2:45 am

    A crowd of Babylon: five thousand fighters have not been paid three months ago

    02/10/2016 (00:01 pm) 

    Babylon / long-Presse

    Called on the popular crowd Department in Babylon, on Tuesday, the Federal Government to speed up the crowd the popular late forces salaries for three months, and confirmed the presence of five thousand volunteers from the crowd in the province, as pointed out that there are other parties trying to exclude and marginalize the role of the popular crowd.

    He said Hasan the support of al-Janabi, director of the popular crowd Department in Babylon, in an interview with (long-Presse), "the crowd Department and the provincial council are calling for the federal government to expedite the sons of the crowd the popular late payment of salaries for three months, especially while performing sacred duties to defend the security and stability of Iraq." , pointing out that "it was delivered one month's salary of four months late a few days ago and a reduction of 30% of the amount due to them which is a very significant reduction."

    he said al-Janabi, that "there are more than five thousand fighters from the sons of the province of Babylon volunteered in the ranks of the popular crowd forces has been their involvement in supporting the security services operations maintenance of land and cleared in the north of Babil, south of Baghdad, as well as their role in coordination with the security services, the implementation of the arrest of the wanted operations. "

    He said al-Janabi, a deputy head of the provincial council, said that" there are those who try to marginalization and exclusion of the popular crowd and marginalize its role ", stressing that" the federal government should provide support for the crowd on the logistical and moral level in order to maintain the security and stability of Iraq and sustain the momentum of the battles and victories achieved. "

    the Deputy chairman of the provincial council, said that" the Council of Babylon to develop a plan to grant the martyrs of the crowd of people of the province a priority in obtaining pieces of land according to their areas of residence, according to the history of martyrdom. "


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