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    Social protection network in a seminar on the law extended to the Council Dr. Amal cultural detector

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    Social protection network in a seminar on the law extended to the Council Dr. Amal cultural detector Empty Social protection network in a seminar on the law extended to the Council Dr. Amal cultural detector

    Post by Rocky Thu 18 Feb 2016, 3:14 am

    06:52:35 18/02/2016 |(Voice of Iraq) - Zuhair al-Fatlawi * We found the mother of one minister, a house luxurious live and where protections stealing salary of the social protection network, and another elderly man has ten properties and acquirer on the salary grid. * You will be all the squatters output on the rights of the poor, and we will work to know the number of the poor in the village and through discreet database and in all provinces of the country. * look for families needy who have modesty and shyness and throwing Date this network who are eligible. Zuhair al-Fatlawi gave Jamal Bilal, Director General of the social protection Agency's information technology Department Ministry of Labour and social Affairs valuable lecture about the legislation's new social protection law No. 11 / for the year 2014, in the Council Dr. Amal reagent cultural cover and began to talk, saying: after the adoption of the law are implemented its provisions, came the importance of the law coincided with the economic situation facing the country's financial crisis all ministries, and the most important thing in this law is to provide a dignified life to the poor and needy who Oncefhm this law layer and there are two circles of social welfare and one for women and another for men and the amounts previously paid to members Kalmaakin and infirm, widows and divorcees, without checking and counting whether these rich categories or not, as well as providing subsidies for the disease, but there are some weak people of doctors provide patients with reports fake to get those subsidies, lying and fraud, but now in the new law, according to the same categories of people under the poverty line, and became all Iraqis are covered by this law if they live below the poverty line is set by the Ministry of planning and the existence of statistics and surveys planned by those in need of such subsidies for people to live in the lost of this new law, which does justice to the needy and the poor and receive citizen (105,000 dinars per month) for the purchase of food and the rest of other needs. As for the subject of Altamonah card said the guest has no country in the world acted Supply food so randomly for the wealthy and the poor, a need to be large and expensive budgets, there are statistical blogger that the proportion of 97% are taking food ration, just came out 2% of the receipt of the ration card, a state cost large numbers and even the Iraqi people he is satisfied with what is distributed in the ration card, and wasted about three billion dollars this non His teachers methods and we are beneficiaries of that card, and the best solution is to give the ration card for a slice of the poor and the needy and those who are below the poverty line, and if the payment of such amounts will be delivering the needy to the poverty line, and will reach the total figure for the family to (420) thousand dinars, and this is the upper limit prescribed by law, and those numbers are subject to increase, according to the economic situation of the country and see Bilal that this law was issued without the pressures of a political and partisan influences was written by people specialists research and statistics and human development and by the professional competent authorities and submitted to the House of Representatives before the election and voted, and today if we want to work with this law, we need to appropriate and other budget operation thereof is expensive also for the purpose of application of this law, similar to the experiences of countries that have worked with this important program, and that one The most important advantages of this law is a poor target, and that the old law in place which according to the categories in which the jurisprudence and the door to corruption and waste of funds and falsification of documents even got to divorce placebo and met the diligence, but this law as one indicator is measurable and we can control it and even the figures are subject to analysis and planning for the future and the index is the poverty line, and the way to reach the poor, said Bilal that there are two axes, the first is the province of all the data of applicants located in the ministry who are employees and retirees and those covered by the income tax and all other statistics, and whatever our work does not get to the level of the rest of the nations that have preceded us in this experiment, as they have all the statistics and data through a unified card, and took out about 25 thousand employees were receiving social protection 'salaries were to recover such amounts, have their salaries stopped until taking clearance from the Ministry of Labour and there Province for about six thousand dealer had to pay income tax, Ojaddanhm robbing the social protection funds. The second axis, and most importantly Jamal Bilal was stated by saying we worked very hard to activate Social Search form there the researchers are visiting the beneficiaries houses according to the form prepared by the ministry of planning and international experts and rely on the method of alternative sources of income and this form Tzm group questions do not exceed ten and the questionnaire clearly defines the living level of the individual, random and there in the unorganized labor in the private sector as it reaches promised to around four million and a half who are not enrolled in trade unions and community security, etc., and the number of registered names in the social security toward) (250 000 name only is supposed to record some . Four and a half million in social security, and there are various countries in the world use this form to see all the data and information until they are working in, and operates several countries to grant social assistance during the time an hour because of the presence of the court and sober where everything blogger from housing and employment, and the time and place and mortality database and births, and we are working randomly in health, housing and food, as the minister can review the health center, similar to the citizen poor, and fall on us off every means of support for the rich and harnessed to the poor and the needy and those who should be targeted by the state, during our visits to one of the remote villages in the province of Diwaniyah surprised by what we saw a stay of women in the hut is not the light and the female slaves as they are cooking on (round), either as a result of the form was rate of zero, here can state that aids those cases and the provision of caravan for housing and the needs of other humanitarian cases, as Hahna other adverse situations Riana traders, businessmen and things luxury and luxury mansions and luxury cars as they take their social protection, similar to the salaries of the poor, do not know what to call them any recipe is not (nor ashamed ashamed), has been preparing those thefts as to get something from the state or taking rights operations and the share of oil !! . There batches of funds called the conditional use of human development and support of small enterprises are encouraged to continue to study and engage in small household chores and gives an extra amount as there coverage for children, pregnant women and those privileges until it is no transmission of poverty and seek to reduce it in the country. The third program is the provision of social services such as health, housing, human resources development and support in giving job opportunities, and we hope to give those families health insurance card like the rest of the world that care about these factors and support so that the community is not located in backwardness and ignorance prevail in poverty and the spread of corruption and the deterioration of living. We have statistical blogger where (three million and a half) retired, (four million) and a half employees, (four and a half million) labor disorganized and, presumably, does not exist for the poor, but the secret of the subject absence of social justice and the spread of the phenomenon of corruption and waste of money and there are houses where ten staff, while devoid of other houses for any employee in the state because there is no wasta and favoritism in the rest of the ministries.Turning researcher to redress the poor because he said if the laws do justice to those poor families appoint one individual would have been rid of resorting to network protection, and hinted at the beginning of the work for Using poor family targeting and provide cash payments and implementation of the functions of the law and when we started working filtering started and defeated the weak people who have seized on the poor funds, and we have found a mother of one minister and the house luxurious and the protections stealing salary of the social protection network, and another elderly man has ten properties and acquirer on salary of the network and there are many strange stories in these thefts uncovered many of them through the program (the network reach you) and through field surveys in various regions of the country, and we are moving to the implementation of the project quietly and Tina fear that equips him and there are mafias watching this project has hit its interests and operates to distort the truth and to harness some of the media channels tendentious, and we are now working seamlessly and will be all the squatters output on the rights of the poor, and will endeavor to find out the number of poor in the side and through discreet database and in all provinces of the country, and there are many advantages in that process, including giving international organizations, and ministries concerned with matters of housing and research, health and society, also looking for families needy who have modesty and shyness and throwing Date this network who are eligible, as we came to the dimensions of the partisan and electoral factors about the law as it is available for covered according to the guidelines nor the intervention of members of the provincial councils and the two parliaments and governors of this law at all, and this law targets the poor according to the recorded poverty data in the ministry, and the paradox to be prestigious areas in Baghdad, the proportion of such Mansour and Jadriya and Yarmouk and Al-Mustansiriya, and Zayouna where large numbers of previously registered, while poor areas without coverage and this is not permitted by law the new, so this database that Asthdtnha possible that the Interior Ministry benefit them in the Security and other ministries that are looking for statistics, the proportion of the population and poor areas and there is a paragraph of the need to cast citizen statements of its all to the network, especially relating to the receipt of residential land and other, as we take into consideration the Turkish and Iranian experience , as we already spend a billion dollars annually on network protection but of no use because she went into the pockets of the affluent and the corrupt, and see that the poor distribution of state resources needed to the culture and clarify the detailed explanation and those factors from the jurisdiction of the people of culture and the media, religious institutions and civic organizations, and the ministry supportive and dolly there follow unremitting Mr. Minister and the rest of the staff of the ministry to the success of this project, which receives gifts foreign donations as well as the allocation of funds from the state, and we aspire to be a religious authorities contribute to the success and donate to this young experiment, and there is the proportion of corporate profits, and the legacy of no heir him, and returns tourism, and traffic fines, and the percentage of employees' salaries, will finally adopt these statistics on many variables, such as wars do not allow God disasters and falling oil prices peaceful popular revolutions that occur in many countries of the world. lawyer Jalil Shaaban said that there are many laws in Iraq, including security law social and labor law and social welfare, but we see a lot of people filling the streets and begging and wandering children and adults, and wonder where government effort to contain this phenomenon, and even detachments of the police absent from this scene? Hola are covered by social welfare or not. retired major General Najib al-Salihi see that there is a crisis confidence facing the Iraqi human and there are those who insult and a mockery of the government, but those constitutional legislation aids the poor class, especially families living below the poverty line, there are a lot of staff work tirelessly, especially as the Ministry of Labour and the important institutions him directly affecting the livelihood of the needy, especially women and children with disabilities and senior Age and should people know who they are humans who have had a significant role in the enactment of this Act, and called for the need to implement the provisions of this Act for the purpose of providing a decent living for classes due and covered by this law. as researcher says Ahmed Hassan said that because of the lack of social justice and the uniqueness of political power and wealth finds non-needy citizens to these subsidies that takes its share of the oil or of those who stole and confiscated his rights, and we hear the presence of thousands of squatters on the social safety net salaries and here comes the lack of awareness and lack doth rich people as they need it the poor and disadvantaged to such funds, even though I said it, and he asked for what is the real draw adopted by the legislature in determining the salary for the needy and there abject poverty and people below the poverty line, and the families in need of various types of support. Dr. Amal detector cover the dean of the Council he said that the goal of this law is in line with the international systems of social protection and for the upgrading of Iraqi society to the ranks of developed societies that provide them with their governments kits and means of decent life, in order to raise the standard of living of individuals and families below the poverty line and to create social solidarity system and establishment of a system of social security for non-workers in the future, and to provide social services in the areas of education, health, housing, education and coordination with ministries and relevant agencies on provided them as much as it comes out, and the preparation of able-bodied beneficiaries through training and rehabilitation programs that will enable them to integrate into the labor market and in line with the provisions of the Constitution.And showed some of the paragraphs of the law, saidFirst: Every individual or family who are below the poverty the right line to get cash benefits and social services in accordance with the provisions of this Act.Second, is determined covered by the provisions of this law by targeting demographic adoption poverty data and social research annually using a special form prepared by the Authority in coordination with the Ministry of planning.Third: a get cash benefits that the applicant does not receive a salary from the state and has no special resource enough, with the exception of the are paid per day.Fourth: the body was the aim of its functions in determining covered by the provisions of this law set a sufficient number of social researchers from specialists in all sections of the Authority and the Ministry of Finance to provide the necessary grades for it.Article 7 gives categories set forth in item I of Article (1) the amount of cash subsidy specified in the Schedule to this law if you do not have the income has had a steady income, lending the difference between their income and the income level set out in the table if there is a maturity terms and according to the number of family members.Article 8 first: take the Authority to provide cash benefits granted according to the number of family members and under him subsidies provided for in Appendix table this law or provide social services covered by the provisions of this law.Second, provide a cash subsidy conditional to individuals or families covered by the provisions of this law to ensure access to social services in education, health, housing and other areas in coordination with the relevant authorities.Third, determine the instructions issued by the chairman of the Authority the amount of upper and lower limits of the subsidy mentioned in item (ii) of this article and the terms of disbursement to the beneficiaries.Article 9 holds the body was coordinating with ministries and relevant agencies to provide social services below to the individual or family covered by the provisions of this law: first, help to get into the market work through:O.altdreb vocational education and capacity building. b.Assistance in obtaining a job or a loan or a grant to set up small income-generating projects.Second, in the area of education, health and housing. Third, to provide outreach programs in family and social behavior building.Fourth, in the field of childhood and children care, events and Thaoh sound their environmental atmosphere.Fifth: training who are able to work covered by the provisions of this law in the ministries and departments not associated with the Ministry for the purpose of gaining experience, skill and entrench the culture of work. VI study of family situations and diagnose unable to work, at least partially, and involve them in the work to increase family resources,while he says the retired professor Adnan al-Bayati must be deterrence and packages for offenders and thieves cash poor, but thefts and fraud on the law will continue, as well as the adoption of advanced countries experiences that have preceded us in this work and has achieved a major breakthroughcan also harness the money traders and businessmen to support the project and to encourage them in other income tax concessions for the purpose of increasing the money and distribute it to those who deserve it. poet and writer Dawad Rahmani says there are a lot of civilian institutions and even religious seminary is one of the civic organizations have large popular bases and can coordinate with them for the purpose of knowledge of needy families and due to this money, in Baghdad and the rest of the other provinces and adds adopt those statistical accuracy and honesty and credibility full, especially we face a big Aqsadah crisis and we must do justice to the poor and needy, and I see that the issuance of this law will organize and provide a decent livelihood despite the small amounts distributed but blocking some of the needs of the needy families. In the opinion journalist Dr. Hadi Hassan Silverline success of this experiment after it was the ministry is working randomly caused squandering billions of dinars to the lack of data the court rule, but now the ministry has worked hard and got what they wanted legislation appropriate law guaranteeing the rights of certain groups of people in need like those in place in Arab countries such as Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and adds that each legislation must there are some drawbacks in the work and private suspicions of corruption and the need to fortify the researchers from the filmmaker and researcher Jabbar mheibes hinted at the need for justice to the poor through the support and the assignment of this law, it has been zero, poor layer, leaving them with the children of the Sacred anything and the guide did not see the poor have balances in banks and They go shopping in malls see them people hunt around for tackling unemployment and extreme poverty, and is located on parties, organizations and gatherings of trade union and youth definition positively this legislation is important, and I see that the Ministry of Labour are close to the citizen in various fields and this shows the continuous monitoring of the pyramid of the ministry and the person of the minister, and we hope to go beyond conducting Exchange of material benefits, and provide housing for the poor as well as health insurance and an increase in the ration. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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