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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Central bank: Iraq is facing a financial and economic challenges and looking for stability in the b

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     Central bank: Iraq is facing a financial and economic challenges and looking for stability in the b Empty Central bank: Iraq is facing a financial and economic challenges and looking for stability in the b

    Post by Rocky Tue 08 Mar 2016, 7:07 am

    [size=32]Central bank: Iraq is facing a financial and economic challenges and looking for stability in the banking and financial sector



    Nur News / Baghdad

    Was launched in the capital, Beirut agenda of the World Conference and Exhibition on third for the financial and banking services in Iraq (Iraq Finance 2016), under the slogan "Gateway Financial Inclusion and a pillar of sustainable development of the banking sector", organized by the Iraqi company, "Szimksko", sponsored by the Central Bank of Iraq and cooperation with the "Bank Lebanon "(Central Bank of Lebanon), and the participation of ministries and banks, national investment Commission. 

    According to a statement of the bank center "Nur News" received a copy of it focused the conference on financial banking and investment industry in Iraq's development, and is limited to the purpose of organizing this conference to develop the infrastructure of the banks and financial institutions in Iraq through the activation of cooperation between the Iraqi and the central ministries and banks Iraqi financial institutions concerned on the one hand, banks and international financial institutions and international investors on the other. 

    And addressed the meetings of the Iraqi Central Bank's plans, strategies, financial reforms that government is trying to implement to attract investors, and the future of the State-owned banks, and the role of Islamic banks, and the role of the Iraqi financial markets to support the economy, the current situation of the banking sector and the participation of foreign lending companies, the environment and technological pivotal role in driving innovation and risk mitigation, as well as sources of funding for large projects and infrastructure, and the development of Iraq Stock Exchange, funding opportunities, the Iraqi private sector.

    Speaking Governor of the Central Bank on the Keywords During his speech at the Forum on great opportunities to diversify the production base offered by the application of this approach, pointing out that commodity production contribution of the total output of only 16%, which means that there is ample room for the growth of agriculture and industry, refers in this context to Iraq near self-sufficiency in the production of wheat, while imports millions of tons annually Keywords and said that the banking sector's important role in supporting growth and reduce unemployment in Iraq, through the financing of various sectors and expand the purchasing power of citizens.

     He Keywords that Iraq today faces a financial and economic challenges, so he is looking for stability in the banking and financial sector and that these items are not only with the cooperation and support of everyone through communication and participation in the success.

    Keywords and pointed to the importance of the banking sector to play important role in the current face of the financial crisis experienced by the reduction of unemployment and the expansion of the purchasing capacity and gross domestic product in general, pointing out that the most important conditions for stability in the sector, bank and finance is to determine the structure of the economy and general trends to him as well as economic activities.

    Keywords and pointed to the need that is heading the Iraqi economy for the time being to support the private sector by creating real competition and active participation in the framework of a free economy, whom he joined after Iraq was governed by a totalitarian economy.

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    Posts : 1858
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     Central bank: Iraq is facing a financial and economic challenges and looking for stability in the b Empty Re: Central bank: Iraq is facing a financial and economic challenges and looking for stability in the b

    Post by Proven Tue 08 Mar 2016, 10:05 am

    Crystal clear statement, the plan:

    Keywords and said that the banking sector's important role in supporting growth and reduce unemployment in Iraq, through the financing of various sectors and expand the purchasing power of citizens.

    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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     Central bank: Iraq is facing a financial and economic challenges and looking for stability in the b Empty Re: Central bank: Iraq is facing a financial and economic challenges and looking for stability in the b

    Post by sassy Tue 08 Mar 2016, 10:31 am


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     Central bank: Iraq is facing a financial and economic challenges and looking for stability in the b Empty Re: Central bank: Iraq is facing a financial and economic challenges and looking for stability in the b

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