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    US moves to end the sit-Iranian parliament and steps parallel to unite the Shiite House

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    US moves to end the sit-Iranian parliament and steps parallel to unite the Shiite House Empty US moves to end the sit-Iranian parliament and steps parallel to unite the Shiite House

    Post by Rocky Sun 17 Apr 2016, 5:02 am

    [size=37]US moves to end the sit-Iranian parliament and steps parallel to unite the Shiite House[/size]

     On the back of the stifling Iraq's political crisis, was announced in Beirut for a meeting between the secretary-general of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, leader of «the Sadrists» Iraqi Sayyid Muqtada al-Sadr, in an effort to make Iraqi Shiite reconciliation, especially between him and former prime minister, leader of a coalition of state law, Nuri Maliki in parliamentary sources revealed the presence of US mediation to resolve the current political crisis in the country and restore things to the previous record straight.
     Coincided chest presence in Beirut with Jawad al-Shahristani, the Solicitor General of the Shiite reference Ali al-Sistani, gave the impression that there is a prominent Iraqi stews event in the southern suburbs, according to press analyzes.
    The political sources in Beirut, has confirmed that the meeting between Nasrallah collection and al-Sadr and al-Shahristani, and a representative of al-Maliki, in addition to some of the leaders «popular crowd», and leaders of the Iraqi Shiite high coming from London, in the presence of representatives of the «Iranian Revolutionary Guards».
    The sources pointed out that Iran Guide Ali Khamenei, Nasrallah directly commissioned to prepare an initiative to re «unite the Shiite House» in Iraq, and in light of the suffocating political crisis in the country. The meetings will take place during the discussion of the role of the Shiite groups in Syria, as well as rehabilitation of forces «popular crowd» to take over military operations in Iraq, as well as regional confrontation with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, especially after rating the party a terrorist organization.
     Quoted informed Iraqi sources minimized the importance of reports that indicated the presence of pressure on the chest for reconciliation, Maliki, or the application of a political project in Iraq is supported by Iran. She said «that the meeting between Nasrallah and al-Sadr did not yield any reconciliation with Maliki, or implementation of any project is supervised by Iran in Iraq includes the Sadrist movement and its leader, with the participation of Shiite political parties, as promoted by some Iraqi political circles».
     The same sources pointed out that «Sadr, who is currently in Beirut has been no reconciliation with Maliki, despite calls by reconciliation, which wants Nasrallah achieved», adding that Sadr, who «Nasrallah meet constantly during his visits to Lebanon, rejects any pressure on his positions or options Sadr's movement from any party whatsoever, even from the secretary-general of Hezbollah », stressing at the same time not to get any extended meetings between the chest and the parties to an Iranian or Shiite figures from other countries dealing with the situation in Iraq.
     In turn, they indicated the sources to meet officials from Washington with a number of heads of parliamentary blocs and leaders of political forces, in order to avoid any clashes or a new verbal altercations during the next parliamentary sessions emphasizing the confirmation of the American side on the need to abide by the constitution and Iraqi laws to keep the democratic process from collapse.
     In the meantime, MP for the coalition of state law, suspended for Washington's efforts to keep al-Abadi. Chihod said in a statement (Journal News), said that all US projects is over and Washington should accept the fait accompli. "The Americans seem to think that they were holding talks with the heads of political blocs would be an end to the reform project adopted by more than 171 deputies."
    He pointed out that all the protesters are continuing to reform the root will not be able meetings of US officials to discourage the process of comprehensive change. He noted that the House of Representatives of the protesters will present a request to dismiss the prime minister and in case you do not respond we will question him and then vote on his dismissal.
     The source said that the US ambassador to Iraq, Stuart Jones began intensive moves to end the parliamentary rebellion that happened and had contacts with senior leaders and the heads of political blocs in this framework. He cautioned that the US administration wants to keep al-Abadi, until the end of the US presidential elections, adding that the US ambassador told the heads of blocs that Washington will stand in the face of any attempt to deport him or his dismissal. He said the withdrawal of support for the prime minister Haidar al-Abbadi of the Dawa Party, after it had voted unanimously to political and parliamentary support. He pointed out that the movement of Deputies last shares in it, dramatically, the former prime minister Nuri al-Maliki, in order to weaken the current government, pointing out that al-Maliki is moving, now, for the sake of personal within the State of Law coalition candidacy.
    And the transfer of resources from US officials and two Macgork and Ambassador Jones reaffirmed in meetings with Iraqi officials that "the United States with the Constitution and the law and the state, and rejects any infringement of legitimacy", pointing out that they describe what happened in the House of Representatives as a "process illegitimate and against the constitution and regulations, and America and the international community to reject any change beyond democracy and constitutional methods. "
     For its part refrained parliamentary sources vest in Baghdad to give an explanation for the mystery of the sudden visit of the leader of the Sadrist movement to Beirut is that political circles in Najaf hinted at dissatisfaction with Muqtada al-Sadr of apology top Shi'ite cleric in Iraq, Ali al-Sistani of a meeting on the pretext of his illness, while revealed news sites Lebanese Shiite Sadr that he will meet with the Secretary General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah, without being locked into details.
     The news circulated among political Shia in Baghdad and Najaf had suggested earlier to receive Moqtada al-Sadr a message from Nasrallah advises him to work on cemented the National Alliance and not to withdraw from it and cooperate with the coalition of state law and the Supreme Council and the rest of its components in order to preserve the Shiite house in Iraq, and the face of the so-called project the US, which brings together Arabs and Kurds, Sunnis and Shiites Washington to take over power.
    At the time he was Moqtada al-Sadr, accompanied by the Sadrist bloc of parliamentary chairman Zia al-Asadi arrive in the Lebanese capital, a delegation of the political body of the Sadrist movement headed by Sheikh Ali Smeisim left on a private jet from Najaf airport to Tehran on a visit to Iran to meet with Shiite cleric Iranian resident in Qom state God Kazem Haeri.
    And quoting parliamentary sources, the visit of a delegation of the political body of the Sadrist movement to Tehran comes in the wake of the chill in relations between the mainstream and Iran, against the backdrop of protests Sadrists in the Green Zone and loss of coordination between them and the Shiite parties in the framework of the National Alliance and the emergence of debates with the Dawa Party of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and asking them to form a government technocrats new quotas outside the party and political system that is not favored by the Iranian decision-makers, led by Supreme leader Ali Khamenei, the commander of the Quds Corps Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
    And mimics the Sadrists in Iraq, Ayatollah Kazem al-Haeri resident in the city of Qom, according to the commandment of Mohammed Mohammed Sadeq al-Sadr (Muqtada's father) had left before his death in February 1999 urging his followers to imitate the Iranian reference as (know) Shiite references.
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