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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Amiri: not contradict the document honor the national project and reject the prime minister

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    Amiri: not contradict the document honor the national project and reject the prime minister Empty Amiri: not contradict the document honor the national project and reject the prime minister

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Apr 2016, 3:36 am

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    Amiri: not contradict the document honor the national project and reject the prime minister

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    The head of the Badr Organization, Hadi al -Amiri, the paragraphs of a document of honor "does not contradict" the national project, and while he stressed the need to reform thepolitical system as a whole, expressed his "total rejection" to accept any position of "sovereign" , including the prime minister, because it "eliminates hISTORIC jihadist term. " Amery said, in a statement received (range Press) copy of it on Saturday night," the document , which some attack on a big attack for her, and they called an act of honor, it comes to me one passage from the twelve paragraphs contained in the document, contrary to the project National for any sane person in Iraq take the floor. " He attributed the head of theBadr Organization, participation document to" reasons we can not explain in the document or included in it, because we say to the brother Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi, literally, we are with the reform beyond theswitch cabinet and bring others that they are technocrats , "denying" science of names put forward by al -Abadi or the desire or the payment of any existence of a ministerial mass Badr. " he said al - Amiri, was" asked for a clear irrevocable, a reform of the political system as a whole, from the Government and ministries, agents and managers two years, ambassadors, diplomats and degrees private and leaders ofsecurity, "Msttrda've" we were and we still insist on the dignified return of displaced people and displaced by Daash after the liberation of their areas and provide security for them. " the head of the Badr Organization ,the" non - acceptance in any way that is imposed Speaker of the Parliament on everyone by a group or entity , "revealing" the support of the dismissal of the Speaker of parliament (article) Saleem al - Jubouri, within the parliament the existence of everyone, to move to the reform steps that follow. " he continued Ameri" we know of has launched a campaign of abuse us, because he thinks we want to presidency of the Council Minister, is here to say to our audience and loving, I Hadi al - Amiri, I will not accept any position of asovereign or head of government, because they will kill historic jihadist term. " In a related context, themovement of the people of the right asserted (Alasaib) support to any step" real reform "based on the Constitution . While reiterating the call for its initiative in this regard, considered that the reform "does not depend" on the change of the three presidencies and the need to end the quota system and reconsider way the state administration and the enactment of laws that preserve the "dignity" of Iraqis. Politburo said in astatement, received a (long - Presse) a copy of it, he was " a continuation of our firm in demanding real comprehensive and fundamental reform , which aims to rid our people oppressed and patient suffering, deprivation and lack of security, safety and aggravation of sorrow and bitterness experienced by the Iraqis during the last years of the political process because of a parliamentary system based on quotas or compatibility or partnership, which produced leaders feudal , political parties sticking to its benefits and offers its interests supreme interests of the country until the injustice and prejudice to the Iraqi people arrived at thestages has exceeded all limits. " Office promised that" what happened these days in the development of a sit most of the members of parliament under the dome , a witness to what we have come congestion and complexity of the political scene, "pointing out that it despite the " think different intentions and motives of theprotestors, but it certainly includes noises honest seek reform and want to fight corruption and end the quota restrictions that shackled the country and brought him to this case. " He warned of the political bureau of themovement," the protesters Representatives for reform, not to allow for some riding the wave of a settling ofaccounts or the adoption of the face of the state 's interest and realities title solutions install the interests of the parties and blocs or leaders feudal ", stressing" its support for any real reform step they make and recall what is stated in our initiative that we launched a few days ago and we called, the constitutional initiative reform, the need to note the constitution in any step or reform project. " He called the office, to the need tonote that the " change of people in isolation from moving away from quotas or compatibility just trying prosthesis will not bring real reform that aspires to our people, "stressing that" reform is not stops changing presidencies only but needs to continue the effort and hard work and selfless through the revision of the State administration of way to maintain its prestige, sovereignty and legislation of laws that preserve a dignified life for the Iraqi people, such as social security , which began in Article 30 of the Constitution , which , if applied to the reality of what remained poverty and hunger in Iraq, as well as re - examine electoral commission ,which was chosen as its members the will of the heads of blocs and parties who Tkasemoha to continue to influence the election results in the future and thus guarantee their survival to no end, as well as legislation elections law that guarantees preservation of the will of the voter, not the large blocs interest and political fiefdoms ".
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