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    Jubouri order to "disable" the parliament and threatens to "legal action against violators."

    Admin Assist
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    Jubouri order to "disable" the parliament and threatens to "legal action against violators." Empty Jubouri order to "disable" the parliament and threatens to "legal action against violators."

    Post by Rocky Wed 20 Apr 2016, 6:00 am

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    Iraqi Council of Representatives Hall (archive)
    Jubouri order to "disable" the parliament and threatens to "legal action against violators."

    Author: HH, SSJ 
    editor: HH 20/4/2016 11:59 Number ofViews: 384 

    [rtl]Long-Presse / Baghdad[/rtl]
    [rtl]A parliamentary source revealed early on Wednesday, the House Speaker Salim al article is always disable in parliament until further notice, as he emphasized that al-Jubouri, threatened to take legal action against "offenders".[/rtl]
    [rtl]The source said in an interview with the (long-Presse), "The head of the House of Representatives article Saleem al-Jubouri, sent a letter to the General Secretariat of the Parliament of orders which disrupt the working of the Board until further notice," noting that "the book included a threat to take legal action against violators of staff to the orders of al-Jubouri ".[/rtl]
    [rtl]The source, who asked not to be named, said: "the party responsible in parliament, told the staff ordered always disabled," noting that "the General Secretariat of the Council of Representatives will hold a meeting today, with all department managers to discuss these developments."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The head of the House of Representatives article Saleem al-Jubouri, announced on Tuesday (19 April 2016), the suspension of sessions and the work of parliament until further notice, while attributed the delay to preserve the "reputation" of the Council and its transformation into "an arena for wrestling and the imposition of wills by force."[/rtl]
    [rtl]The Iraqi Council of Representatives, held, on Tuesday (2016,4,19), headed by its interim boss Adnan al-Janabi to re-vote on the dismissal of the former head of the Council Salim al-Jubouri and his two deputies, under President Fuad Masum initiative, as filed within minutes of the session to the day Thursday. 
    And arrived House Speaker article Saleem al-Jubouri, on Tuesday (19 April 2016), to the Iraqi parliament building under strict protection, and apologized and his two deputies for session management, as he emphasized that it "does not have any red lines on what will be put inside the meeting, expressed his willingness "the full answer any questions about the crisis."
    He announced sitters Representatives, on Tuesday, rejected the initiative of the President of the Republic Fuad Masum resolve the Presidency of the Council of Representatives crisis, and stressed send the initiative to the president includes several points to resolve the current crisis, as called for demonstrators to "exercise restraint and not to prejudice the ministries," they demanded foreign diplomatic missions "not interference in Iraqi affairs. "
    The MP participating in the sit-in the House of Representatives Shaalan Karim refused, on Tuesday (19 April 2016), the initiative launched by President Fuad Masum resolve a deadlock over the parliament, and promised "a trap to break up a row of Representatives of the protesters," and as he emphasized that approval is recognition of an indirect legal dismiss Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri not, pointed out that the acceptance of "the project will hit the reformist deputies and their credibility."
    And fired the president Fuad Masum, the first on Monday (18 April 2016), an initiative to resolve the current parliamentary crisis, noting that it includes the Council's invitation to hold "comprehensive extraordinary" session chaired by one of its members and attended by all the blocs, to discuss the issue of the dismissal of his body, attending as members. " habitual. "
    As called infallible, on Tuesday (19 April 2016), all members of the House of Representatives to hold a meeting today to contain the repercussions of the crisis of parliament.
    And decided the temporary Parliament Speaker Adnan al-Janabi, on Saturday (16 April 2016) to postpone the scheduled time session, to on Monday (18 April 2016), at the request of some political blocs, as an informed source confirmed that the masses demanded by granting more from time to Anzmam to the protesters, the House of Representatives fails then sitters to convene a meeting, on Monday, after the claims of some of the blocks of the need for dialogue to resolve the crisis.
    It is noteworthy that, about 171 deputies, held a session of parliament, on Thursday, (the 14th of this April 2016), headed by Adnan al-Janabi, and voted for the dismissal of President of the Council, Salim al-Jubouri and his two deputies, Hamoudi and Aram Sheikh Mohammed, causing a major political crisis as a result of questioning the forces of political legality of the meeting.

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