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    US site: the parliamentary system in Iraq, but failed to change threatens the return of dictatorship

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    US site: the parliamentary system in Iraq, but failed to change threatens the return of dictatorship Empty US site: the parliamentary system in Iraq, but failed to change threatens the return of dictatorship

    Post by Rocky Tue 17 May 2016, 3:52 am

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    US site: the parliamentary system in Iraq, but failed to change threatens the return of dictatorship

     Baghdad / term * 

    Confirmed by angry protesters who stormed both the Green Zone and the parliament building, the end of last April, the parliament has failed the people declaring their desire to overthrow the political system and change it , but what can replace this incompetent regime? 
    After spending the protesters about two days left the Green Zone and returned temporarily calm after the religious leader Moqtada al - Sadr announced a cease pretending in the green Zone, but he vowed again toreturn the protests if Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi was unable to bring about reforms within the Council ofMinisters and the appointment of ministers competent instead of the politicians who were given positions within the Council thanks to the political loyalties or sectarian or ethnic. 
    and make the parliament speaker Salim al - Jubouri, everything in his power to restore the prestige ofparliament and the resumption of its meetings, but it faces special difficulties because of Iraqi political attitudes that have become more stringent. He also called on President Fuad Masum, the political forces to accelerate in a new session of parliament to discuss the political crisis, at a time when Saleem al - Jubouri proceeded to conduct interviews with Iraqi party leaders even in the city of Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdish region. Prime Minister Haider al - Abadi also vowed to protect the parliament and ensure that no storming itagain. 
    But in spite of the visit al - Jubouri, rejected Kurdish MPs return to Baghdad, because of dissatisfaction withthe exposure of Deputy Speaker of Parliament Aram Sheikh Mohammed , beaten by the demonstrators, as well as the siege of one of the politicians named Alaa Talabani, by other angry demonstrators. 
    the voices claim the need for an alternative to the current Iraqi regime laying; MPs are those who havedecided to form an alliance against the parliament speaker Salim al - Jubouri, they announced that they would not participate again in the parliamentary sessions, demanding Prime new parliament. 
    the coalition of the House of Representatives, led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, is calling for theformation of an emergency government, while al- Sadr 's supporters are demanding a new government ,including independents. 
    the MP said the state law Hisham al - Suhail, said in a statement, said that " the protesters deputies will form a new political bloc as the reform front, as decided by the A few days boycott of parliament sessions headed by al - Jubouri. " It should be noted that because of this county, all efforts to bring about reforms that private fade in the absence of a quorum of deputies is completed within the Council until the vote on the resolutions legally binding what make the work of the parliament Off until further notice. 
    After six weeks parliament will end half of his term, and will remain in front of him only two years to complete dozens of bills and resolutions broken, some dating back to the years, and other necessary related to thepolitical, security and economic situation. Also reveal information published on the website of the Iraqi parliament, the parliament discussed during the past two years about 275 legally, but was unable to authenticate only on 87 only to law. 
    The process include the adoption of laws in parliament in three stages, the first reading of the law and then the second reading and finally vote on it , where statistics indicate that about 121 law reached the second reading stage and only needs only to vote, and 67 another law had been read only the first time. 
    the biggest problem is that the laws approved by parliament are not important not design the future of thecountry, nor does it political and security legislation that contains at a time when the military is fighting arelentless war against al Daash, and suffers when Iraqis of living conditions difficult. 
    in this context , Munther al - Sharifi, a member of the coordinating Committee for the protesters , said that " the political blocs not to agree, everyone against each other and no one in them ready to make concessions, "adding that" the parliamentary system in Iraq has failed because it is based on a quota system, but thetransition to the political system , raising fears of a return to dictatorship. " 
    so the question arises after the Iraqi parliament failed, is what are the alternatives to the current Iraqi politics? And how it is possible to bring about this change? 
    Some considered that the parliamentary regime change in Iraq , would the solution be best suited to get out of this political dilemma, instead of MPs elected Iraqi president, becomes the franchise in the hands of thepeople in a direct way , which will be given later on the president more powers and this revision demanded by the allies of the former prime minister, Nuri al - Maliki. on the 
    other hand some people call the need to form a majority government in order to get out of the crisis, where the appointment of senior politicians because they call you on the largest number of votes, not because ofsectarian or ethnic allegiances. But it should be noted that there is no real opposition parties in the Iraqi parliament, unlike other democracies, every politician here who wants to participate in the government and share power. 
    Some explain that the government should, in accordance with the majority and Tsalin the largest number of votes in exchange for a system of quotas control sectarian, ethnic, and this is what will ultimately lead to the presence of the parties in power and others from the opposition, from their government 's performance monitoring, and in return, confronted with this proposal is significant opposition from politicians Sunnis and Kurds because of fears of monopoly Shiite power parties and the marginalization of other Iraqi communities. 
    in this regard , MP for the coalition of al - Maliki Nahla Alhbabi, that "majority - government will not be limited to the Shiite parties, sectarian Alliances already are from the past. in fact, there are significant conflicts within the Shiite parties themselves, which is the largest of the conflict between Shiites and Sunnis, or Shiites and Kurds . " . 
    there is another way out of the political quagmire in Iraq lies in the decentralization of authority, in general, alot of political parties in Iraq , participants in the parliament and the government for power and money , who are under the control of the central government, but if you were to give local governments in Iraq , more power, it could force local politicians to be more responsive to the needs of the electorate. the 
    Prime Minister saw, Abadi, that this idea would be the most appropriate solution, so I began working implementing the legislation relating to the granting Iraqi provinces more power, including Law 21, however ,this plan devolved to fail because of various ministries refused to hand over power to local governments, arguing that the local politicians did not have enough experience or the ability to handle the task, and therefore , they would be unable to maintain the assigned power to them. 
    He said political science professor Amer Fayad that "parliamentary system was not applied correctly in Iraq, and that the political crisis is not because of this system, but because of the bad application adopted by theIraqi politicians". 
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    US site: the parliamentary system in Iraq, but failed to change threatens the return of dictatorship Empty Re: US site: the parliamentary system in Iraq, but failed to change threatens the return of dictatorship

    Post by Diamond Tue 17 May 2016, 4:59 am

    I sure am glad to see Interpol movin so fast, cause as long as maliki is there, we still gonna be here crazy

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    US site: the parliamentary system in Iraq, but failed to change threatens the return of dictatorship Empty Re: US site: the parliamentary system in Iraq, but failed to change threatens the return of dictatorship

    Post by Neno Tue 17 May 2016, 10:55 am


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