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    Researchers: America meant a failed parliamentary system that does not work in Iraq

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    Researchers: America meant a failed parliamentary system that does not work in Iraq Empty Researchers: America meant a failed parliamentary system that does not work in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Sat 16 Jul 2022, 7:00 am

    [size=38]Researchers: America meant a failed parliamentary system that does not work in Iraq[/size]

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    Baghdad / Obelisk: Legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi, 07/16/2022, said that imposing the parliamentary system is intended in a country that is economically confused, deteriorating and socially poor.
    Al-Tamimi stated to Al-Masala that the parliamentary system needs economic foundations, capitals to support it, and a homogeneous social fabric. That is why it first appeared in Britain (the mother of capitalism), and this parliamentary system is called the son of capitalism.
    He added that 24% of the world's countries adopt this system, which is called the master of political systems, and it is sufficient to mention the wonderful state of South Africa in everything and the very developed Emirates in which the parliamentary system succeeded because it is developed economically and institutionally.
    He went on to say that the existence of the parliamentary system in countries that are economically confused, societal poverty and socially deteriorating leads to its failure and the dominance of the executive authority over Parliament and leads to fragmentation, fragmentation and civil war in the end because the principle was wrong.
    He added that the pressure from America to create this parliamentary system was intended for goals that we will see happened later... Our situation is like Lebanon's.
    He concluded his speech by saying that agreement with the calls for a return to the presidential system, as is the case in Egypt and many Arab countries, requires amending the (hard) constitution, adding that its difficult amendment was also intentional and a knot in the saw.
    In 2018, the Pew Research Center counted 27 countries in the world in which democracy has failed, and a bad idea has taken root among individuals in countries such as Tunisia, Argentina, Nigeria and Greece, and that political corruption is a common concern of the most resentful peoples, such as Lebanon.
    Even in ancient democratic countries, such as the United States, the disorder of expression has reached its maximum, including the fact that former US President Donald Trump rumored that Barack Obama was not born in the United States.
    The writer and researcher Adnan Abu Zeid said that democracy has not only become a victim of the tempting temptation of tyranny, but also its supporters from the left and the right, and this has led to the rise of populist figures such as Viktor Orban in Hungary, Donald Trump in the United States, and Boris Johnson in the United Kingdom, In fact, democracy made room for people who did not respect it to rise to the center of decision-making, which had made a mistake before, and promoted Adolf Hitler to the leadership of Germany, in 1933.

    And he went on: The well-known saying (Oh freedom, how many crimes are committed in your name) is also true of democracy.
    Adnan Abu Zeid considered that in Arab countries, such as Iraq and Lebanon, parties practice democracy in order to reach positions, but in their internal structure, they are authoritarian.
    And if democracy has removed comprehensive ideologies such as Nazism or communism, and in Iraq it has removed the one-man-man regime, but it has failed to modernize the internal structures of parties and entities.
    He considered that one of the reasons for the decline of democracies is that they did not turn into the culture of a nation, which allowed corruption to worsen, and encouraged parties to turn into fiefdoms at the expense of the state, as in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Lebanon, Tunisia and Iraq.
    He concluded by saying: Experiences have indicated that the dress of strange democracies will be tight on Arab peoples who are accustomed to wearing the Bedouin and tribal cloak, and this will remain their religion until their culture and thinking mechanisms change.

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