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    Financial Times: problems and the disappointment of the US economy lifted oil prices

    Admin Assist
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     Financial Times: problems and the disappointment of the US economy lifted oil prices Empty Financial Times: problems and the disappointment of the US economy lifted oil prices

    Post by Rocky Tue 07 Jun 2016, 5:46 am

    Financial Times: problems and the disappointment of the US economy lifted oil prices

    Tuesday June 7, 2016 07:58

    Alsumaria / Baghdad 
    According to the Financial of Times newspaper in its edition on Tuesday That oil prices Reached yesterday to the HIGHEST level in seven months, attributed the reason to what they 're described color : as "disappointing" and fears the Growth of the economy in the United States , along with attacks • oil infrastructure in on Nigeria and the problems of the oil industry in : Libya , Canada and Venezuela .

    British newspaper the Financial Times published a report of its correspondent for oil and gas from high oil prices, which arrived yesterday to the highest level in seven months.
    The report suggests that this is due to a disruption in oil supplies globally processing and low expectations for the performance of the US dollar.
    The report points out that the price of Brent crude rose to $ 1.15 to $ 50.87 a barrel in trading on Monday afternoon, the highest price since November is received.
    Increased price of West Texas Intermediate to $ 1.20 to $ 49.82 per barrel.
    It concludes reporter that disappointment raised by the reality of work and jobs report in the US last week, which has raised concerns about the world's largest economy growing stronger, and reduced expectations of higher official borrowing cost during the summer, which is weaker tendency to the US currency and make oil and other commodities supported cheaper for traders in other currencies the dollar.
    Meanwhile, insurgent attacks down the infrastructure of oil production in Nigeria to the level of production is the lowest in the country for two decades, and add to that the oil industry problems in Libya, Canada and Venezuela, which led to the promotion of oil prices despite an increase in production and export of Iranian oil to the world market since the beginning of the year.

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