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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Planning: The number of Iraq's population of 36 million people and 57% of them are of working age

    Admin Assist
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    Planning: The number of Iraq's population of 36 million people and 57% of them are of working age Empty Planning: The number of Iraq's population of 36 million people and 57% of them are of working age

    Post by Rocky Sun 17 Jul 2016, 4:14 am

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    The main road leading from the Allawi area to the intersection of the Baghdad International Fair, west of Baghdad, which passes close to the famous theme park in the capital Zora Imaging (Mahmoud Raouf)
    Planning: The number of Iraq's population of 36 million people and 57% of them are of working age

    Editor: BK 07.16.2016 20:09 Number ofViews: 1056 

    Long-Presse / Baghdad
    The Ministry of Planning, said on Saturday that the population of Iraq for the current year 2016 of 36 million people, and revealed a higher proportion of males vs. females, as promised to the Iraqi society "young population" by 57% within the working age category.
    The spokesman of the ministry, Abdul Zahra al-Hindawi, said in a statement I followed (range Press), "The expectations of the Central Bureau of Statistics, in the light of demographic assumptions and stability of birth and death for a period of time rate, show that the number of Iraq's population of 36 million people for a year the current 2016", He pointed out that "a higher percentage of males than females, reaching 50.5 percent versus 49.5 percent."
    He said al-Hindawi, that "the proportion of the population aged less than five years amounted to about 15%, and those who are aged 5-14 years 25%," noting that "the proportion of the working age population, ie aged 15-64 years, amounted to about 57%, the It means that the Iraqi society, young population is characterized by high population growth up to a rate of 3%. "
    The spokesman for the ministry, that "the rate of population growth, and in spite of falling to 2.5% in the last term, but it is still high compared to countries in the region," pointing out that "the proportion of urban Iraq's population stood at 70% compared to 30% of the rural population." .
    The number of Iraq's population in the census in 1979 was 12 million, rising to 16.3 million in the census in 1987, and to 22 million in 1997.
    He said al-Hindawi, that "Iraqi society is one of the growing communities demographically due to the net rate of replacement of newborn females per woman of childbearing age the age of 15-49 years, the total fertility rate by four live births per woman during lifetime reproductive," pointing to "the average size family of 6.2 members. "
    He continued the spokesman, "The average age at birth has improved since reached 68 years for males and 71.2 years for females, while the change was positive in the living conditions and rising incomes coupled with the progress of life in the age of marriage to 24 years and when the pregnancy to 28 years ".
    The Ministry of Planning, said in (the 25th of August 2015 the past), that the number of Iraq's population reached 36 million in 2014, indicating that 51 percent of them male, a total of 18 million and 319 thousand people, compared with 17 million and 685 thousand females make up 49 percent

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