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    Education stresses the need for Iraq to 20,000 school and plans to open a sports academy

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    Education stresses the need for Iraq to 20,000 school and plans to open a sports academy Empty Education stresses the need for Iraq to 20,000 school and plans to open a sports academy

    Post by Rocky Sun 24 Jul 2016, 3:01 am

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    Education stresses the need for Iraq to 20,000 school and plans to open a sports academy

     BAGHDAD / long-Presse 

    The Minister of Education Mohammad Iqbal, on Saturday, that the educational reality in Iraq as " a need for a package of reforms in all fields", and pointed out that the threat from al (Daash) has led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of students and thethreat of scientific future, and as revealed to Iraq need to more than twenty thousand schools, confirmed the ministry 's intention to open a sports academy. 
    he said Muhammad Iqbal in his speech during the first qualitative educational Conference, held by the Ministry of Education at the Rashid Hotel in central Baghdad, and attended (range Press), said that "this conference will be held at a time when Iraq is witnessing unprecedented challenges, the risk (Daash) on the one hand led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of students and the threat of scientific future, and theeconomic crisis that we necessitated reduce government spending on education on the other hand , "noting that" the advancement of the educational reality in Iraq requires reforms package in the fields all starting with the legislative clades and the end bureaucrat service. " 
    Iqbal said," the ministry began to reconsider the laws and regulations on education , and that parents Council Act , which we believe has a major role in activating the boards of parents and their contribution to the advancement of education in our country , "adding to, that "one of the fruits of activation of these boards for a Mderiaatna on the amount of 800 million dinars donations for the rehabilitation of schools , the directorate." 
    He said Iqbal, that " the need for Iraq today amount to more than twenty thousand schools , according tostatistics of the Ministry of planning , which came in line with our statistics . " , pointing out that " theapplication of the courses system in the non - ending rows in the middle stages, preparatory and application attempts of the important achievements of the system and play a big role in providing greater opportunities for the success of the students and motivate them and a step in the right direction towards the student 'scharacter building." 
    the Minister of Education that "work is under way in diversification of education at the level of literary and professional sections and configuration of the opening of the Sports Academy , which the study begins in the first grade average and up to the sixth preparatory grade , "explaining that" the focus will be in the Sports Academy on the skill side depending on specialized programs for athletic talent and nurtured and raise thelevel of care sports. " 
    he stressed Iqbal, the ministry 's intention to" launch an educational pilot project goal fun and quality ofeducation in primary schools during the next school year and that the presence of teachers in a row. " 
    the Minister of Education, Muhammad Iqbal, confirmed in (December 24 , 2014 the past) the reduction of theministry allocations included the abolition of grades, the current 2015, as well as custom stationery and printing of books and school buildings amounts, indicating that the ministry demanded the commitment of thecompetent authorities to re allowances in the event of high oil prices and the improved economic situation in Iraq. 
    it was the former Minister of Education, Mohammad Tamim , announced (24 September 2013) for theconstruction or rehabilitation of 600 schools in Iraq, noting that Iraq is in need of more than 7,000 schools. It is 
    noteworthy that Iraq is suffering since the eighties of the last century, the lack of primary and middle schools and preparatory stages, in addition to the presence of hundreds of schools mud that spreading in rural and remote areas of the country, making more schools are adopting always double and triple in an effort to solve the problem is the glory.

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