News / Baghdad, by said the House of Representatives rapporteur MP Profile Imad Youkhana, Thursday, That the Council will the continue his deeds normal and will hold hearings headed by vBulletin® a Deputy Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, inwhat was Considered to Inflate the recent crisis, the Council is not the welfare of thecountry. He , by said Youkhana in an interview with Alsumaria's News, by said That "crisis Witnessed by vBulletin® the House of Representatives During its recent current per week, does not Affect the functioning of the council, " Noting That "the of HouseRepresentatives will the continue his deeds normal Laws and poses for a vote . read and the bills and the continuation of the workTel of Parliamentary Committees. "
He , Youkhana That "the sessions That will be held next per week will be headed by vBulletin® a vice president, " he by said , adding That "there are On four or five Deputies, Including the HEAD of the House of Representatives are On going to Eliminate this defect to the quorum is not working sessions of the Council. " He , bysaid" amplified the crisis of some Political purposes media, incorrectly not hurt theinterests of the country, "pointing out That " we 've always watch accusations Between Officials and sometimes true or not true. " The Deputy Speaker of parliament Aram Sheikh Mohammed, WHO COMPLETE Chaired the session on Monday (August 1, 2016), Raising the Parliamentary session to Tuesday of next week, where the meeting Witnessed, questioned defense Minister Khaled al - Obeidi, WHO COMPLETE Accused House Speaker salim al - Jubouri, the "Involvement of the files of Corruption" in arming Decades, color : as well color : as being Accused of a number of MPs to "get Involved in the Corruption of by big and Extortion files", color : as he Emphasized Jubouri, he will not the Ascend the sms_root_directory Presidency of the Council ofRepresentatives until his Prove by innocence of the charges addressed to him by vBulletin® al - Obeidi.