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    Feminine Parliament and the unification of the elections, "political will" hit a snag Constitution a

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    Feminine Parliament and the unification of the elections, "political will" hit a snag Constitution a Empty Feminine Parliament and the unification of the elections, "political will" hit a snag Constitution a

    Post by Rocky Mon 15 Aug 2016, 3:31 am

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    Feminine Parliament and the unification of the elections, "political will" hit a snag Constitution and the time constraints

     BAGHDAD / Wael blessing 

    The House of Representatives is considering proposals to reduce the members of theprovincial council at its next session in half. These include proposals to add executives as honorary members within the councils lineup a view to simplifying bureaucratic procedures. 
    In the meantime, collides with another proposal to reduce the members of parliament snag " to amend theconstitution." As for the idea of merging it does not appear legislative and local elections in the timing of one is possible. 
    The political parties have said recently that it is seeking non - recurrence of falling into the "fragile alliances" error, as has happened in the current lineup of local governments. And it began political parties early efforts to change the (provincial elections) to ensure a comfortable majority in the provinces. 
    It is supposed that the local elections will take place next spring, but the presence of Daash in some cities, and the slow return of displaced persons to the liberated areas, it may pay to be postponed until the elections legislature in 2018 
    and increased the financial crisis of the cycle of claims calling for the pressure of the parliamentary and local elections expenses, Ajraihma simultaneously. 
    proposals citizen 
    provided the citizen mass of Hakim Ammar, two proposals to the House of Representatives to reduce themembers of the provincial councils and the Council of Alnwab.obescon first proposal says MP Salem Amuslimawi, a member of citizen block, (range) that "according the proposal would be to the provinces with a population of over 500 thousand inhabitants of 11 members, and is added by each 250 thousand inhabitants."
    such a proposal to reduce the number of members of the provincial councils in half, he says Amuslimawi, MP from Babylon, that his province "will be represented by 17 members instead of 31." 
    turn the other parliamentary parties floated the idea of annexation of executives to the provincial councils, as honorary members to speed up communication between the local government and the provincial council, and to provide specialized views on the issues under discussion. as 
    well as serving the proposal, which is backed by the citizen block, the abolition of district councils and districts, while maintaining the pension rights of its members. Which is rejected by the other parties, citing the need to "reduce" the number of members of these councils and not canceled. 
    It was a number of provinces, at the height of the popular movement and claims of reform in the summer of2015, in a move it described then b has decided to dissolve the councils and district 's desire to calm thestreet "ill - considered", was undone after weeks. 
    the last elections were held to choose the boards of districts, counties, while those councils accused as "redundant rings" in the administrative structure. 
    obstacle reduce parliament 
    and on the other proposal, submitted by the citizen block, Amuslimawi says "respect reducing the number ofdeputies in half to become the 165 deputies. " 
    but the proposal, which was presented for the bloc MP Hadi al - Hakim, did not contain further details. This requires reducing the number of members of parliament to amend Article (49 / I) of the Constitution which states that: the House of Representatives of the number of members is composed by one seat per hundred thousand inhabitants of the population of Iraq , representing the entire Iraqi people. 
    In light of the constitutional text, it is expected to rise House of Representatives in 2026 to 470 deputies instead of 328, as the population growth rate in Iraq , which amounted to 3% per annum with an average of a million people a year, according to the latest statistics of the Ministry of planning. 
    criticizes Attorney Messenger Abu Hasna, a member of the front of reform, proposed reducing the members of the House of Representatives, dub as " the harvest is in the schedule." 
    says Abu Hasna, in connection with the (range) yesterday, " the proposal to reduce the number of members of parliament difficult to achieve because of its association to amend the constitution, and then introduced to a referendum Aaz requires the approval of two - thirds of the three provinces." Which is not deemed appropriate to put the current MP of the country, saying it was trying to seek from behind some of the parties to "make the street." The reform front, which belongs Abu Hasna, recently pushed for constitutional amendments put forward in Parliament. Front and confirmed that it is seeking to amend the Constitution based on the "majority" and away from Mahassh.ovcl the House of Representatives for 11 years to make binding adjustments under the Constitution itself. However , the Parliament returned early last July to open the file constitutional amendments in response to a request by 78 deputies. He called on Parliament Speaker Salim al - Jubouri, last month, the blocks and figures Parliament to submit candidates for the formation of acommittee the new amendment. 
    In the meantime supports Kurdish lawmaker Arafat Karam proposal feminine House of Representatives in half despite admitting the difficulty of achieving this Dsturia.oukal Karam, MP for the Democratic Bloc Kurdistan, (range) that " the proposal will give us the space to discuss laws and issues within the parliament better , " stressing that "in most of the time does not allow the number of deputies many constructive dialogue." 
    as a Kurdish lawmaker believes that " the reduction will be for the benefit of the presence of personalities most efficient levels of scientific and varying better in parliament , "pointing out that" some MPs do not know what is going on in the meetings, Viaamdoon stir up hype and problems to draw your attention to them. " 
    required the House of Representatives election law in the candidate get prep certificate to say the least, and that the age at least 30 years. 
    integration of ballots shall be taken 
    it supports MP Arafat Karam proposal for the establishment of local and legislative elections at the same time, considering that it helps to "pressure of the expenses at the time of passing the country the status ofausterity . " But Karam worried about the occurrence of "technical errors" such as those Hdtt in theexperience of the Kurdistan region, when it merged elections together 2014. He pointed out that " the error occurred in the names of voters" .olm left the local elections only nine months and two years for theparliamentary elections. Observers believe that the integration of the elections at the same time theCommission may carry and logistical technical measures that would increase the expenses are not compressed. 
    The attention of the Attorney Messenger Abu Hasna said : " The government did not send any request to unify the elections." 
    The member of the front of reform that the government Commission first installment granted its budget for the purpose of preparing for local elections. Unveiling the opening of the 650 center to update voter records.
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