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    Maliki and the morning inaugurate a new phase in the Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations

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    Maliki and the morning inaugurate a new phase in the Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations   Empty Maliki and the morning inaugurate a new phase in the Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations

    Post by Rocky Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:39 am

    Maliki and the morning inaugurate a new phase in the Iraqi-Kuwaiti relations  


    13/06/2013 12:00 AM

    New York embraces the final arrangements for the exit from Chapter VII
    Baghdad morning
    Iraq confirmed that he will open a new era with Kuwait in cooperation and the development of political and economic relations to greater heights in all fields, to deepen the bonds of trust between the two countries and overcome the legacy left behind by the defunct dictatorial regime turn the page on the past.
    This comes at a time when informed sources revealed that Iraq will travel next weekend to New York to finalize arrangements for his release from Chapter VII end of the month, after the approval of Kuwait and ensure Russia's vote to approve it.
    Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki met with his Kuwaiti counterpart Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, who arrived in Baghdad before noon on Wednesday, at the head of a ministerial delegation on an official visit where they discussed the development of relations between the two brotherly neighbors and the outstanding issues between the two countries at the forefront of supporting the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII , and signed a number of agreements and memoranda of understanding covering aspects of economic, commercial, cultural, environmental and diplomatic and transport.
    A statement from the prime minister received «morning» copy of it on Wednesday: The «Maliki held a bilateral meeting with his Kuwaiti counterpart Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah, confirmed through transmission of the relationship between Iraq and Kuwait into a new phase», adding that «This meeting was followed by a joint meeting in the presence of members of the Iraqi and Kuwaiti delegations.
    The statement noted that al-Maliki said in a speech opened the session of the Joint Meeting: The «Iraq would not only override the crisis, but will open with Kuwait, a new era of cooperation and the development of political and economic relations, and in the areas of investment, energy, transport and the environment», calling «businessmen and the Kuwaiti private sector to take advantage of the many investment opportunities available in Iraq, and hold a joint conference of businessmen from both countries to discuss opportunities for cooperation in this area.
    For his part, Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Hamad Al-Sabah «open a new stage in relations, Iraq - Kuwait, beyond which address the legacy turn the page on the past, to a wider relations in all fields.
    For his part, Foreign Minister of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Sabah, during the meetings that the state sent a letter to all members of the UN Security Council and the United Nations, to report on fulfillment of Iraq with its obligations although Endowment of them can be treated within Chapter VI, the price of the officials in the Iraqi government «role positive and constructive shown by the people and the Government of the State of Kuwait to help Iraq out of the provisions of Chapter VII of the UN Charter, after the fulfillment of all its obligations under Security Council resolutions related to ».
    In a joint statement to the Iraqi and Kuwaiti sides came after the end of their meeting yesterday, stressed the «strengthening and developing bilateral relations and push for new horizons and further communication and coordination at all levels, reflects the level of development in the bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries.
    The statement added that he «was signed a number of agreements and memorandums of understanding included aspects of economic, commercial, cultural, environmental, diplomatic and transport», indicating that the two sides «agreed to proceed with the work to strengthen the process of bilateral cooperation in all fields and work to open new horizons to achieve the aspirations of the leaderships and peoples of the two countries brothers, and continue and continue coordination and consultation regarding all regional and international developments and work on strengthening security and stability in the region.
    The statement noted that «the Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait expressed his thanks and appreciation greeted him and his entourage of hospitality and honor of their brothers in Iraq during this visit.
    In the meantime, informed sources revealed »Sabah» Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari will travel next weekend to New York to finalize arrangements for the withdrawal of Iraq from Chapter VII.
    The sources pointed out that he will be in the 27 of this month to vote by the Security Council on Iraq would emerge from Chapter VII to Chapter VI after the approval of Kuwait and ensure Russia's vote to approve.
    At a joint press conference raised his Kuwaiti counterpart Sabah Al-Khalid Al-Hamad Al-Sabah on Wednesday, Zebari description visit the Kuwaiti Prime Minister and his accompanying delegation to Baghdad, and agreed to work to remove Iraq from Chapter VII of the UN Security Council is historical.
    And between Zebari said «relations, Iraq - Kuwait has helped to stimulate trade and economic relations between the two countries», indicating that «made and messages that will be delivered to the Security Council is the culmination of a series of cumulative of meetings and joint action, which worked on during the past ten years».
    He said Zebari that «the past year has seen a quantum leap in relations between the two countries, and determined to accomplish and end all these files that will restore Iraq to normal», adding that «will be early next week, providing the agreement between Iraq and Kuwait, the secretary-general of the United Nations, which is expected of them issue a decision to close all the files between the two countries, after Iraq paid what remains of war reparations to Kuwait »
    Kuwaiti Foreign Minister, said during the conference that after «visit Zebari to Kuwait was agreed understandings and translated messages of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to help Iraq directed from Chapter VII-VI», adding that «the Security Council will discuss the developments of the situation between Kuwait and Iraq at the end of this month, in preparation to remove Iraq from the sanctions imposed on it.
    Furthermore, Search House Speaker Osama Najafi with Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Jaber Mubarak Al-Sabah, the bilateral relations between Iraq and Kuwait and ways of developing them to serve the interests of the two brotherly countries in addition to the issue of exit from under Chapter VII.
    He stressed Najafi said in a statement to the Department of Media for the House of Representatives received «morning» copy of it on Wednesday, the «need to turn the page on the past and open a new page in relations between the two countries are built on the basis of trust and mutual respect and mutual cooperation», saying «ready parliament to vote on the bilateral agreements between the two countries thus contributing to the return to normal relations ». He also drew Najafi to «the importance of joint cooperation to consolidate the foundations of brotherhood and love between the two brotherly peoples, especially with a desire to Iraq to build good relations with all neighboring countries, particularly Kuwait brother», pointing to the need to «continuous communication with the Kuwaiti National Assembly to strengthen relations in various fields» .
    For his part, stressed Sheikh Jaber Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah said the visit will contribute to achieving greater cohesion between the two brotherly peoples, and it's a positive sign of a new era of love and brotherhood, peace and cooperation.

      Current date/time is Thu Jun 06, 2024 6:19 pm