News / Baghdad , the 
parliamentary finance committee denied, Sunday, news that has been circulating on stop giving advance 10 million dinars for state employees, while suggesting the absence of any relationship between the adoption of the financial budget and the granting of the advance. A member of the committee MP Hussam punitive in an interview withAlsumaria's News "I had a conversation on Tuesday, with the director of Rafidain Bank Khawla al - Asadi, about reports that talk about stopping grant in 10 million dinars for the staff of the state," noting that " the director of thebank denied this, and confirmed that work is continuing to grant advances and there is a simple procedure carried out by the bank and then set off the advances. "

He said the punitive that "there is no correlation between the adoption of the financial budget and give Advances to staff or citizens , " pointing out that " the granting of advances is the prerogative of the Council of Ministers and thebanks." He announced Rafidain Bank, on Saturday, he will be fired staff advances if the Ministry of Finance approval and the approval of the minister Hoshyar Zebari on them. the Rafidain Bank announced, in August 30, 2016, launch of the electronic application form to apply for the predecessor state employees, noting that it would reject all forms of ministries lagging in repayments of previous loans and advances.