Baghdad / Iraq News Network revealed the Ministry of Planning, Tuesday, from near the start ofnegotiations with Britain over granting Iraq a loan of 10 billion pounds more than 13 billion Dolar.oukalt the ministry in a statement today: " The minister Salman Jumaili received at his office in Baghdad envoy British Prime Minister for trade , Baroness Emma Nicholson , executive director of the Iraqi Council of businessman British and her accompanying delegation , which included agroup of senior businessmen and heads of companies non - governmental organizations in various fields . "added the statement, that" were discussed during the meeting and discuss a number of issues and files related to the development of mutual cooperation between the two countries especially in the areas of investment and access for British companies to work in Iraq . "He said planning Minister during the meeting , according to the statement, said that" the current crisis faced by the country prompted the Ministry of planning and in collaboration with the Secretariat ofthe Council of Ministers about to go to a partnership with the local and foreign private sector , especially in the field of completion of investment projects that have stopped because of the crisis and the process requires real partners to proceed with the completion because of their importance as they represent the outputs of the task of the economy and built the productivity in the future ."He added," the ministry in this context is working to develop mechanisms and frameworks governing the partnership with the private sector are trying through which to find a suitable environment for real investment ".ofatt to, that" there are more than four thousand continuous investment project can be part of a future partnership with the local private sector projects or foreign after it is put the right mechanisms in this area . " .obin Jumaili, that " the partnership withvery important private sector and create a network of interests relations which are reflected onthe political relations . " He stressed the minister, " the support and the adoption of the government to this trend aware of the role of the private sector and encourage him to bring in international partners It is certain that the British partners will have a key role in the reconstruction process and to the depth of bilateral relations between the two countries . "He pointed out, that" the ministry concerned with the government 's investment profile and has a follow - up of all the projects included in the investment program and through the CSO we get indications that the Asasaha is directed development plans in the country . "He called the Minister planning, British companies, to "see the priorities of development in Iraq to be able to choose the right investment opportunities . " and, " the Iraqi government go in the implementation of investment projects to international partners from private companies sober and not state - owned companies" . He expressed Jumaili satisfaction " for this visit fruitful results of the presence of this number of large companies and themen of the British businessman who showed their willingness to engage as partners in theimplementation of investment projects in Iraq . "He continued," the coming days will witness thestart of negotiations with the British government on the granting Iraq a loan of 10 billion pounds "returned the loan" a gateway for British companies to invest in Iraq . " for his part, praised Baroness Emma Nicholson strength of British - Iraqi relations in all fields, especially in theeconomic side , " pointing out that "this meeting is of great significance for British member companies Iraqi Business Council , the British Council and this has nothing to do with politics but isspecialist, business and investment , "added Nicholson, that" the formation of a new government in Britain is working to develop trade relations with all countries, including Iraq and thedevelopment of foreign relations, especially after the exit from the European Union there are Two ministries, one focused on the subject of secession from the European Union and the second dealingwith the files of trade and investment around the world , " the to, the representatives of thecompanies and businessmen who attended the meeting, expressed their readiness to" enter as partners for the implementation of investment projects in Iraq in the areas of security technologies and construction and urban design and execution of contracts and commercial arbitration and engineering design and implementation of services and infrastructure projects , strategic planning and other "parties .oatvq at the end of the meeting, according to the statement, the" open channels of communication in order to provide the conditions and appropriate environment to build apartnership with the British private sector companies under the flag of the Iraqi Business Council British ".