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    US site reveals the smuggling of archaeological pieces of Iraq's 2,500-year-old

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    US site reveals the smuggling of archaeological pieces of Iraq's 2,500-year-old Empty US site reveals the smuggling of archaeological pieces of Iraq's 2,500-year-old

    Post by Rocky Thu 22 Sep 2016, 2:44 am

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    US site reveals the smuggling of archaeological pieces of Iraq's 2,500-year-old

     Baghdad / long-Presse 

    Revealed the Life Science (Live Science) US scientific and historical research on the cutting height archaeological smuggled from Iraq and Syria , values and especially after 2011, to more than $ 280 million. He noted that most of the smuggling operations emanated from Turkey to the United States, and while pointing out that most of the smuggled pieces is a rare gold and cut archaeological coins date back some of them to more than 2,500 years, to monitor satellite images confirmed drilling operations random elements of the organization ( Daesh) archaeological sites in both countries. 
    the website Life Science, in a report published in connection with the publication of documents for smuggling pieces archaeological and I followed (range Press), " the information contained in the documents obtained from the US census Bureau show an increase operations to smuggle antiquities to the United States starting from the years that followed the US - led invasion of Iraq in 2003 with the start of the graph for these activities to appreciate more after the outbreak of the civil war in Syria in 2011 ". 
    the report noted that" these documents show that the total value of these archaeological pieces, which ran successfully since 2003 to the United States via Turkish territory, and reached more than 283 million dollars ,"noting that" the majority of the pieces is a coins of gold coins and rare pieces archaeological dating back hundreds of years and which for more than 2,500 years, shipped mostly to the city of New York , which includes museums and brokers antiques and Auction pieces archaeological rare. " 
    The documents revealed, as has been shown by the report, said that" the value of coins and gold coins amounted to only up to $ 26 million, while the total currency is gold and other valuable, up to $ 15 million ,"explaining that" a portion of these currencies back for more than 100 years and part of them for periods oftime is not known. " 
    the report continued that" the looting of antiquities operations worsened significantly with the start of the wars in Iraq and Syria and satellite photos revealed drilling operations random at archaeological sites in Iraq and Syria, where he was cutting archaeological stolen smuggling to Turkey before being sent to several countries, including the United States , "adding that" the organization (Daesh) was able to invest those operations as asource of huge funding him. " The 
    report also pointed out that" the amount of gold coins smuggled shipments from Turkey to the United States increased from 2.5 kg before in 2003 to 26 kg for the period between 2003 and 2010 and then rose to 51 kg between the period from 2011 to July 2016. " in 
    turn, the researcher said research director of East civilizations Corporation in the United States for the monitoring of cases of looting and destruction suffered by the archaeological sites in the Iraq and Syria, Michael Dante, according to MEMRI report, " the refugee crisis and instability in the Middle East hastransformed the southern region of Turkey into a breeding ground for the pool brokers smuggling antiquities, weapons and all sorts of prohibited goods , " pointing out that " the smugglers were trying to smuggle money metal artifacts from Iraq and Syria , for ease of smuggling and expensive for them. " 
    said Dante said , " we have information about what he was doing to organize (Daesh) in recent years in thearchaeological sites in Iraq and Syria through satellite images , where he was looking at sites for metal cutting and currencies through Sensors It uses for this thing. "
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