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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A member of the parliamentary Economy: Minister of Commerce hosting next Monday to explain the delay

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    A member of the parliamentary Economy: Minister of Commerce hosting next Monday to explain the delay Empty A member of the parliamentary Economy: Minister of Commerce hosting next Monday to explain the delay

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Jul 2013, 9:27 am

    A member of the parliamentary Economy: Minister of Commerce hosting next Monday to explain the delay in the ration card [Audio

    Sunday, July 7, 2013 08:15

    [Baghdad where]

    A member of the Committee on the economy and investment representative, will host committee to Commerce Minister Hassan good Babacar to discuss the reluctance and failure in the distribution of ration card items.

    He was a member of the Committee on the economy and investment parliamentary Abdel Hussein Rissan Husseini, had announced earlier this month, said that "the Committee in the process of questioning and Trade Minister in the event of continuing problems with the ration card.

    The MP said Abdul Hussein Alabtan in told all of Iraq [where] the day that "there is a government negligence in providing ration card items and major failure and disregard of the hardship of living of millions of Iraqis who depend mainly on the ration card foundation."

    He continued, "Unfortunately, the House converts more than 6 trillion dinars to the government for the purpose of processing citizen vocabulary ration card, but since 2005 and so far recorded in the processing of tragedy vocabulary to citizens."

    And Insert a Alabtan, "it was to discuss the delay in providing ration card in the Economic Commission representative and issued a statement demanded the government represented by the Council of Ministers and the Ministry of Commerce to take steps crisis to solve the problem of the ration card, but regrettably are no so far positive indications to resolve this problem."

    He pointed out that " the Economic Commission will host on Monday, the Minister of Commerce to find out the reasons for the delay in processing the ration card items. "

    The Council of Ministers agreed on 14 of last May on the recommendations of the Ministerial Committee formed under Resolution No. [136] for the year 2013 on the processing of the ration card items which "included the division of the ration card allocations in three annual payments to streamline processing and form a higher committee shall grant approvals required by the Ministry of Commerce on exceptions to the instructions and implementation of contracts and follow up the import and distribution in the areas of Iraq, as well as the Ministry of Commerce to submit list of companies competent processing of the ration card items to the Supreme Committee for the purpose of approval and approval of the assignment to be a BSA representative of the Commission and the ministry also B'Tselem the quota for each province according to a population after the conduct of the examination, and validated, and in turn shall maintain storage and distribution operations and delivery to citizens. "

    A statement by the Council of Ministers that "the Committee of Ministers noted the need to work plan reform ratified by the Council of Ministers, and to work on the idea of ​​the smart card, which previously Council and approved by the continuing work of the problem about it Diwani [111] for the year 2009."

    The Minister of Trade Khairallah Hassan described on June 18 of last episode buy the ration card items as "complex and thorny," and caused a lot of reluctance to complete the purchase easily.

    It is said that the Iraqi government and the World Food Programme of the United Nations [WFP] and MasterCard company, established on June 11 of the past and art workshop in the capital to study the proposal of the introduction of electronic food vouchers in the ration card system. Ended 17.

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