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    Lindros Clears Out His Basement With A Stacked Auction!


    Posts : 10738
    Join date : 2013-02-20

    Lindros Clears Out His Basement With A Stacked Auction! Empty Lindros Clears Out His Basement With A Stacked Auction!

    Post by jedi17 Wed 15 Feb 2017, 7:21 pm

    Lindros Clears Out His Basement With A Stacked Auction!
    February 15, 2017, 12:27 PM ET [5 Comments]
    Shawn Gates
    Hockey Collectables • RSS • Archive • CONTACT
    An argument could be made that few players have been the subject of as many polarizing discussions around the delicate balance of attitude, potential, talent and team chemistry as perhaps Eric Lindros has. At the same time, most individuals, irrespective of the angle they took in that discussion, certainly would not argue his place as one of the eminent power forwards of the game. The man certainly put together a Hall of Fame portfolio in the time he had. 

    That aside, let’s kick the pomp and circumstance down a few notches and take a bit of a swerve in the topic, shall we? Married guys: remember all that really cool memorabilia and other assorted sports junk that you accumulated during your single life? You know, all those things that were going to be wonderfully displayed in the man cave you’d eventually build against which all other man caves would be measured? Where is it now? Was it turfed or packed away as the square footage you had blocked off for your museum of everything sports and fun was claimed in the name of a child’s playroom? For those out there who did manage “a cave”, does it house everything that was to have gone there? Sacrifices were made or strongly suggested, no? If it’s any consolation gents, Hall of Famers are not immune to this either!

    It seems Mr and Mrs Lindros are in the market for a new home and this has prompted a purge of many of the keepsakes Eric has held onto over the years. Head over to TSN’s story where #88 talks a good story about “time to move on” from these pieces for more details. For the real treasure trove, though, hit up Classic Auctions and view their winter catalogue for the full listing of Lindros items on the block, including:

    Game worn Flyers Jerseys (rookie season home & away, introductory presser, captains jersey, etc…)
    Team Canada Jerseys (Olympics, World Juniors, World Championships, Spengler Cup)
    OHL Jerseys (Oshawa & All Star)
    OHL & NHL Trophies & Plaques
    NHL Game Used Skates, Gloves and Helmets
    Benchmark Pucks (1st Playoff Goal, 100th Point of Season, etc…)
    Signed Photos and Books
    Hockey Cards Sets
    …and more!

    Some interesting stuff in there to take a peek at, even for those with no intent of bidding. Go browse out of curiosities sake, but be forewarned: the draft day Nordiques jersey didn’t make the cut… ;)

      Current date/time is Fri 20 Sep 2024, 12:36 pm