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    01~21~2013 Horoscopes


    Posts : 854
    Join date : 2012-12-19
    Age : 53

    01~21~2013 Horoscopes  Empty 01~21~2013 Horoscopes

    Post by Cat561 Mon Jan 21, 2013 10:39 am

    You have a great deal of compassion for others and you are valued for your ability to act and get things done. This is a time when you can expect a little encouragement. Whatever support you need will be available to you, when you need it. There is a feeling that anything is possible if you set your sights high enough. This afternoon it is time to convene with nature. When you leave work you might enjoy visiting a pet or nature store--perhaps meeting with someone in your family to shop and enjoy each other's company. You make every effort to be with each person in your family--young or not. Family is very important to you and you teach that to the other members. Close relationships offer a potential for growth.

    You might like to ignore responsibilities and do some socializing, but realities may demand that you tend to business and forget your friends for the moment. You have practical ideas and you are able to lend a helping hand when someone needs it. You may receive some recognition or special attention regarding your particular skills and abilities in the workplace today. This is a great time to reflect and understand your own situation, just how you feel about yourself. Emotions in particular, or the feelings of those around you, may be very clear. You could be helping children through a puppet or mime class this afternoon. This evening there are new and unusual ways of appreciating and loving. You may discover something new about love.

    Someone you helped yesterday may be helping you today. Communicating and getting your message across to others is at a high just now. Your timing should be perfect and those around you should find you most natural and receptive. This is a time of good fortune when things open up in a very positive way. Situations are almost custom-made and it is easy to see how to proceed with your plans. There are plenty of opportunities where choices of expression are concerned--you may find yourself able to do almost anything. You may enjoy probing into your own psyche. Learning tools that make communication easier are fascinating. A trip to the bookstore may help you to find some interesting ideas to make your life easier. Let music relax you.

    You should be enjoying some life style changes at this time. You have a unique way of dressing and others are supportive and fascinated by your ability to coordinate colors and patterns that would not otherwise have been considered. You enjoy where you are in your life at this time and you look forward to new and better, always improving and growing. You work hard to be self-sufficient and to have self-sufficient kids. It is important to you that they have good judgment. There is a relationship you have with an older person that is like a mentor relationship--open your mind to hearing what is being said to you. This older person's style of decision making influences your own decision-making choices. Good communication is important now.

    You may find co-workers and friends understand your position or situation and they are supportive of your efforts at this time. There is optimism as well as a tendency to take chances towards gaining new work opportunities. If you are actively working on your life's progress now, you will see some positive results. Stay in the moment and do not worry about things you cannot control. The preparations you have been making for your future are about to pay off now. Observe people today, imagine them in different situations and try not to laugh. You may find yourself being put to good use by your friends this afternoon. Rent a comedy video this evening and take some time with your loved one or even by yourself, to refurbish your energies.

    There is something that you may suspect is worth checking out in the work world today. This could mean a new way to invest or ideas for presentation. Some of your work classification could be changed now. Your ambition and drive are strong. You can feel the trends of the times and you will make the right moves to improve your finances as well. This is a time to get ahead by taking action. Everything comes about to reveal you at your most elegant, particularly in social situations. Turn a negative situation into a positive one by helping another with little chores and distancing your emotions. There is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with someone you love. You will have an opportunity to renew a friendship very soon.

    Business or career projects may need adjustments now. With so many things on your mind today, it may be hard to concentrate on routine matters. However, this is where your accomplishments are today: concentration and continuing your routine. To get the best results in financial affairs you need to be less concerned about security and more willing to take risks. Never would anyone be wise to suggest gambling. Your instincts are strong--you know just what to do. High tech equipment impinges on the domestic environment somehow. An eccentric relative attracts some attention and you prove helpful. Later this evening you may decide to enjoy some relaxing entertainment; movies, books or any other healthy form of escape could prove enjoyable.

    Intuition hits again today and you can log your thoughts in that notebook of yours. Your talents or the way in which you perform your work will pay off well at this time. You will have authority figures watching as you successfully deal with problems at work. An urge for social interactions with your friends may have to be put on hold just now as you are much more intensely focused on accomplishing a particular goal. You may find yourself working into the early evening hours. You certainly will not be bored with any part of the day and there are plenty of opportunities to use your mind and your creativity. There is time for you and a loved one to break away for a little relaxation, perhaps to enjoy an evening at a new restaurant.

    Your working relationships are getting more interesting now. People that mentally stimulate you are like a breath of fresh air. It is time to review your professional progress and you can do this yourself as you proceed through the workday business. If you know where your work goes next or if you want to see how people have received your presentations, you might consider a review that your customer can fill out regarding your performance. Advice along these lines would be helpful. You may be happy with where you are but a different viewpoint may help you widen your scope of possibilities. There is a yearning for the stimulation of new ideas this afternoon. There is optimism and you intuitively sense that this is the time for you to be attentive.

    Your schedule presents a lot of motivation to get everything scheduled and organized. Someone may ask if you need help and you are flattered. The routine you move through each day works well but does not seem to be a fast as it could be. You may promise yourself to chart out a new plan on paper to see how the steps will work. You are excited by new concepts, inventions and ideas. Today you will gain some insight that will help you in your work. A co-worker may call you later this afternoon and tell you of a change in thinking; you see a positive outcome. A lover or child who is bright and articulate plays a bigger role in your life. You may be teaching this person how to investigate, research or to expand on his or her own personal talents.

    You are the one to catch any mistakes today at work and there may be a few. If you have doubts about calculations--go back and check it out when you can; perhaps cross check with someone. This is a great time to be with others and to work together. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. Your business expertise is in high focus. You could be most persuasive with others and persuasive in your communications today. Your involvement in a neighborhood activity proves successful. Instead of allowing others to dump all the work on your back today, you seem to have learned to allocate the jobs to others. Good for you! A young person becomes independent this evening. This is the direction of your goals, now let go!

    A busy day at work brings about plenty of opportunities to make mistakes, be slowed by interruptions and have difficult communications. Your positive attitude and focus creates a most successful day, from which others could learn. It is moneymaking time and you should see results from your hard work. You could feel great support from the people around you for whatever you want to accomplish now. You enjoy an enticing meal and a finely set table for your meals--consider low-fat, smaller meals. Place a few orange slices beside half of a baked chicken and a few string beans, a salad and you will have a gourmet meal! We are talking healthy and beautiful now, you are on the right track; stay creative.

      Current date/time is Fri Sep 20, 2024 5:21 am