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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary calls for Abadi's decision to cancel the privatization of electricity and prepared by

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     Parliamentary calls for Abadi's decision to cancel the privatization of electricity and prepared by Empty Parliamentary calls for Abadi's decision to cancel the privatization of electricity and prepared by

    Post by Rocky Mon 08 May 2017, 2:59 am

    Parliamentary calls for Abadi's decision to cancel the privatization of electricity and prepared by an economic war against the sons of the south


    It accused the MP for a coalition of state law emotions blessing, Monday, to work on the privatization of electricity the government launched declared against an economic war, arguing that the decision "arbitrarily increased the size of the resentment and hatred towards the government, as called for Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to rescind this decision" does not test the patience of the people of the South".
    It said grace in a statement obtained by "direction Press" a copy of it, "Basri citizen who suffer under poverty and deprivation of the most basic rights required of it today to pay the electricity bill by up to two million dinars, due to the privatization of the power supply and the work of new Baltsairh", indicating "this pricing is a gift from the government of al-Abadi to the south deprived of oil imports and services and employment opportunities and decent standard of living."
    She added grace, that "the Prime Minister's Office issued a formal letter addressed to the Ministries of Defense and Interior and the organs of national security, intelligence and command of joint operations not to implement any directives issued to obstructing the work of contracting with the electricity sector in the southern provinces companies," wondering "why these declared economic war against the sons of the south to the point of reference to them by name in the book issued by the prime minister, and why the book did not refer to the people of other provinces? ".
    She blessing, that "the government attitudes towards the privatization of electricity has been since the beginning rejected a popular and turnout, especially in the southern provinces that have suffered the horrors of the current government unjust right policies, why the government ignored this rejection and alone in its decision and insisted on the privatization of electricity in spite of the people and broke the will of the masses of this arbitrary decision which increased the size of the resentment and hatred towards it? ".
    She's grace, it is "demanding Abadi that do not test the patience of the people of the south, and to retract this decision immediately and find a legal way out to end the contracts and the Ministry of Electricity with these companies, and resort instead to buy electric power plants and make the collection of wages is done through the ministry Baltsairh old" .

    The deputies from different blocks announced on Monday (April 17, 2017), their opposition to the privatization of electricity, considering that " the theft of Iraq" and will not allow them, while stressing the need for continued pressure while the decline in the Ministry of Electricity on the project and the search for new mechanisms to improve the electricity level. sa

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