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    International Press

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    International Press Empty International Press

    Post by Rocky Tue 09 May 2017, 2:25 am

    International Press

    "Le Figaro" published a chart for more candidates fortunate to assume the presidency of the government shifty
    newspaper said France 's Le Figaro, that with the arrival of the new French president Emmanuel shifty must be appointed by the government and Risaa her, and the newspaper pointed to some of the names that are scheduled to be one of them is the prime minister in the state new. The most fortunate is to win this position is the political Francois Bayrou , head of the ruling Union for French Democracy belongs to the center - right, come predicted his candidacy with 85 percent, then comes in the second Almertah French Defense Minister Jean Yves Odrian (80%), then Richard Ferrand one member forward movement, resigned and a member of the Socialist party, and the likely choice of 65%.
    Among the French political candidates for the post of prime minister in the government of shifty, Gerard Collomb and Xavier Bertrand (55%), Anne Marie Idrac (40%), and John Lowe Brolo and Valerie Bikras (35%)

    Independent: shifty Albraikst negotiations will be difficult for Teresa May
    focused on the newspaper " Independent "British turn the results of the French elections, and addressed the impact on Albraikst. She said that the victory would have shifty implications for Britain to leave the negotiations to the European Union, noting that the French president - elect warned Britain not to expect concessions in negotiations Albraikst if elected, he pledged strict stance towards entering the European single market and the powers of the European Court. The candidate losers Marine Le Pen has indicated during the campaign that France would follow the same populist course of Brixt and the presidency of Donald Trump in America, but the harsh and negative campaign based on opposition to the European Union and the opposition to immigration and opposition to the supposed elitism of violent nationalism and embrace, and was rejected by the voters. The Independent pointed out that the arrival of shifty to the Elysee would hesitate to resonate in the position taken by Brussels about both Albraikst talks, and Washington , which has distorting the EU has repeatedly Union reputation since coming to power, although the criticism of the United States became silent recently.

    The Guardian: shifty is not in front of a honeymoon under the threat of terrorism and the problems of the economy
    newspaper " The Guardian" said the British, the French president - elect has no "honeymoon" period in light of the terrorist threat and economic problems plaguing France. The newspaper went on to say that shifty when he chose to cast a victory speech among his supporters in the region surrounding the Louvre, it sends a message about the manner in which it intends to rule.
    The smaller pieces heads of France two different types of promises with regard to his leadership style, he has pledged that a young revolution in French politics with also return to the old tradition of a strong leader who can embody the nation 's happening. The relay "Guardian" , saying that every French president seeking to provide the antithesis of it before, but shifty , who will take office within days will not have that opportunity, will be responsible for a country weary of decades of massive unemployment and the economy rigid, which is still in an emergency situation and faces a threat terrorism continues, and fighting a war abroad with the presence of its forces in the Sahel region of Africa to fight terrorist groups. On the other hand, the newspaper said that a stunning victory shifty Bantzall has introduced a new model of comprehensive democratic policies in Europe, fend off, at least at the present time, the forces of reaction and isolation embodied in both Donald Trump and Marine Le Pen.

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