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    Trying to postpone the passing of the electoral law is a violation of the Constitution


    Posts : 5059
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Trying to postpone the passing of the electoral law is a violation of the Constitution Empty Trying to postpone the passing of the electoral law is a violation of the Constitution

    Post by chouchou Tue 03 Sep 2013, 3:09 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

    Baghdad: Euphrates News} MP for the Virtue Bloc Hussein المرعبي that any attempt to postpone the passing of the electoral law is a violation of the Constitution, noting that this matter is legally unacceptable and popular.

    [ltr]The المرعبي said in a statement to the Euphrates News Agency {} on Tuesday that "any attempt to not pass a final election law before the current election cycle is an attempt to extend the current session in order to achieve personal interests."[/ltr]

    [ltr]The MP for the mass of citizens, Mohammed Allkash, has stressed the need for parliamentary elections, which are scheduled to take place at the beginning of next year, 2014, the timing nor specified.[/ltr]

    [ltr]المرعبي said he "can not hold parliamentary elections without amending the election law because the current Federal Court overturned the earlier law."[/ltr]

    [ltr]He added that "to postpone adoption of the election law will lead to big problems on the legal level, because the text of the Constitution that does not exceed the age of four-year election cycle."[/ltr]

    [ltr]People take walks on the House of Representatives came from behind in the vote on the laws task which is Bmsas of the lives of citizens and their aspirations, and talk about the possibility of carried over to the next parliamentary session, which is rejected by some political forces and the people.[/ltr]

    [ltr]This is attributed by some politicians migrate these important laws to the absence of political consensus and differences and problems between Djima, while some bears other political blocs responsibility for the delay in approval and deportation, which will affect on Iqbal Allowatunain process to participate in the upcoming elections, according to followers of the Iraqi.[/ltr]

    [ltr]And different powers and blocs on the system and the mechanism of the election in the upcoming legislative elections, where preferably each system, which was used in the provincial elections non-performing province in 2013, a {St Lego}, while insisting others to change this system, demanding blocks the application of closed-list system and تخالفها other and moving towards open , to be the speech chapter on the subject of good religious authority which has expressed its opposition and its categorical rejection of the closed-list system.[/ltr]

    [ltr]The mass of the citizen representative, has confirmed earlier support for the list of open and constituencies multi-election in the House of Representatives next, where between MP Abdul Hussein Abtan that "the bloc confirms its support existing open-circuit multi However system {St Lego} that being it simple modification , noting that it supports the proposal not to run dual nationality for the elections, adding that dual nationality paving the way for many to escape to the officials outside country after Achtlashm of the state funds.[/ltr]

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