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    US Defense Secretary threatens "massive military response" if North Korea launches an attack

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    US Defense Secretary threatens "massive military response" if North Korea launches an attack Empty US Defense Secretary threatens "massive military response" if North Korea launches an attack

    Post by Rocky Mon 04 Sep 2017, 2:02 am

    US Defense Secretary threatens "massive military response" if North Korea launches an attack

    Arab and international Since 2017-09-03 at 23:02 (Baghdad time)

    Continue Mawazine News:
    US Defense Secretary James Matisse has threatened a "massive military response" to any attack on the United States or its allies after North Korea conducted its strongest nuclear test so far.
    "Any threat to the United States or its territory, including Guam or our allies, will face a massive military response," Matisse told reporters before the White House. "A response will be effective and overwhelming."
    Matisse said Washington was not looking "for a complete annihilation of any country, especially North Korea, but as I said we have a lot of options to do that."
    North Korea said on Sunday it had successfully tested a hydrogen bomb designed to carry it on a recently developed intercontinental ballistic missile.
    The experiment had achieved greater results than any previous nuclear test, she said.
    North Korean television said the test of the hydrogen bomb was ordered by leader Kim Jong-un and was "a complete success" and was "an important step" to complete the country's nuclear weapons program.
    The announcement came hours after a strong man-made earthquake near a known nuclear test site in North Korea indicated that the isolated state had conducted its sixth nuclear test. The Korean Central News Agency reported that North Korea "recently succeeded" in making A more sophisticated hydrogen bomb. North Korea is carrying out its nuclear and missile programs in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions and sanctions.
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