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    Aims of Iranian Shahrawardi’s visit to Iraq


    Posts : 10738
    Join date : 2013-02-20

    Aims of Iranian Shahrawardi’s visit to Iraq Empty Aims of Iranian Shahrawardi’s visit to Iraq

    Post by jedi17 Mon 04 Sep 2017, 7:53 pm

    Aims of Iranian Shahrawardi’s visit to Iraq
    7:04 AM ADMIN
    Tehran/ Iraq TradeLink: Iranian sources reported that the undeclared visit of Chairman of Tashkhees al-Nizam Mahmoud al-Hashimi al-Shahrawardi to Iraq was upon the request of the Iranian Higher leader Ali Khamanei.

    The sources added, through Khabar Farsi site, that the aim of the visit was to “unite the Shiite parties, following the increasing differences, so that they will participate in one election list in the coming elections next year”.

    The source reported that prestigious religious leaders managed to arrange a meeting between Shahrawardi with the renowned religious leader in Iraq Ali al-Sistani.
    Shahrawardi was born in Iraqi Najaf province and chaired previously the Iraqi Higher Revolutionary Islamic Council.

    Currently in Iraq, talks are underway in both Iraq and Iran on the heir of al-Sistani in the light of his health reports, as well as the future of the Shiite religious quarters in Najaf.

    Some religious circles believe that Shahrawardi is being prepared, quietly, to replace Sistani, but his mission will not very easy due to the presence of other senior religious leaders in the city, which believe that they have the legitimate right to replace the renowned Shiite leader al-Sistani.

    Other sources believe that Shahrawardi will have greater chance due to the material and moral support in the Iranian quarters.

    No comment was made by the followers of Shahrawardi, but he made the first moves in Najaf when he opened his office before two years.

    It seems that Shahrawardi made the first move and left the rest to his followers to establish what is called the biggest religious school in Najaf city, in comparison with small schools of other religious leaders there.

    On the other hand, some sources reported that “Najaf city is very small city for him, because he wants to be the heir of Iranian leader Khamanei.

    At the present time, Sistani has the loyalty of most Iraqi Shiites, where he holds the keys of the city in one hand and the balance in Iraq in the other.

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