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    Deputy announces four proposals to resolve the issue of Kirkuk Council elections

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Deputy announces four proposals to resolve the issue of Kirkuk Council elections Empty Deputy announces four proposals to resolve the issue of Kirkuk Council elections

    Post by Rocky Tue 21 Nov 2017, 4:19 am

    Deputy announces four proposals to resolve the issue of Kirkuk Council elections

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    Alsumaria News / Baghdad
    MP from the coalition of state law, Abbas al-Bayati , on Tuesday, the four proposals on the points of contention related to Kirkuk within the draft provincial elections law. 

    Al-Bayati said in an interview for Alsumaria News, "There is a Kurdish insistence on the deletion of the government option within the draft provincial elections law and the inclusion of a proposal for them to be held in Kirkuk, like other provinces," noting that "there are several other options, including the Turkmen option, To Kirkuk.

    Al-Bayati added that "the third option was presented with the signing of 50 deputies to make percentages for each component in the province, 32% of the components of the Arab and Turkmen and Kurdish and 4% of the Christian component to ensure the rights of all," pointing out that "the general trend that Kirkuk has a special situation either through Modify the government text or draft an election law of its own. " 

    Bayati said that "the coming days will include holding intensive meetings between representatives of the province to reach a compromise formula to be voted on." 

    It is noteworthy that the province of Kirkuk has not seen elections since 2005 to the provincial council because of the lack of consensus on the law of the elections unified between the components, and did not agree the political blocs and their deputies on the law to conduct elections in the province.

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