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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Maliki demands that Rashid Bank to accept the security services and the completion of their advance

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

     Maliki demands that Rashid Bank to accept the security services and the completion of their advance Empty Maliki demands that Rashid Bank to accept the security services and the completion of their advance

    Post by Rocky Mon 27 Nov 2017, 4:36 am

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    2017/11/26 20:19

    (Encyclopedia of this Day News | [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] ) - Vice President of Karbala Provincial Council Ali al - Maliki demanded to accept ensure the internal security forces of the police, the army and other security formations as well as the completion of the predecessor launched by the bank.

    Maliki warned of the delay in granting the advances to the beneficiaries and not accept their sponsorship because this is a right of their rights and the branches of direct banks in it.

    Pointing out that we as a local government will take undeclared actions in the absence of the implementation of these demands made by us a lot of security services and we stand with them to take full rights.

    He pointed out that the Iraqi constitution stressed the principle of equality and non-discrimination between citizens and that our brothers in the security services are the same as the rest of the employees of the State departments and must accelerate what they demand.

    He pointed out that there is a deliberate delay by the branches of the Rasheed Bank in the case of ensuring the associate and non-treatment of the advances that they are applying for, which is unacceptable and must be resolved by the nearest immediate or we will have decisions and other actions to serve against the bank in the event of failure to implement these demands.


    Maliki pointed out that the security forces have made sacrifices and blood for the liberation of cities and their active participation in the extension of security and safety in all areas of Iraq, including the visits of millions in the holy city of Karbala, yet we find that not to be given their entitlement by banks and this is unacceptable and must proceed to serve this segment as owners Families and many of them need these guarantees and advances.

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