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    Abadi economy reveals the mechanism of calculating the Kurdistan budget controversial

    Admin Assist
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     Abadi economy reveals the mechanism of calculating the Kurdistan budget controversial Empty Abadi economy reveals the mechanism of calculating the Kurdistan budget controversial

    Post by Rocky Thu 01 Feb 2018, 3:30 am

    Abadi economy reveals the mechanism of calculating the Kurdistan budget controversial[/size]
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     3 hours ago

    Shafaq News / Prime Minister Haidar Abadi on the mechanism of calculating the budget of the Kurdistan region controversial in the general budget of the country. 
    "We are proud to unite all of us in fighting terrorism when the army, the police, the popular crowd and the Peshmerga fought in one trench, as well as maintaining Iraq's unity," he said. 
    He pointed out that the government has raised all the revenues in the budget, and if the Parliament wants to transfer it can be discussed, indicating that the government has increased the proportion of social protection network to more than 60 percent despite the financial constraint to alleviate poverty. 
    Abadi pointed to the government's adoption of the principle of justice and population ratios on the share of the Kurdistan Region in the budget. 
    As for the displaced, he explained that the government is continuing to return the refugees voluntarily and provide services to their areas, and the Commission promised that it will provide the voter card for them.
    The Kurdish blocs announced boycotting the meetings of the approval of the Mwana until the inclusion of its observations. 
    The adoption of the budget objections by the Kurds to reduce the proportion allocated to them from 17 percent as decided by the budgets of the past years to 12.67 during the current year, which is one of the measures taken by the federal government against the authorities of the Kurdistan region following a referendum on the separation on September 25 last. 
    For their part, the Sunni MPs demand the allocation of funds to return the displaced and enable them to participate in the next general elections. 
    The southern oil-producing provinces of Basra, Thi Qaromisan and Wasit are also demanding $ 5 per barrel of oil produced. 
    The total value of the general budget of Iraq for the year 2018 amounted to about 85.33 trillion dinars (71.65 billion dollars) deficit of 22.78 trillion dinars (19.13 billion dollars).
    The documents of the draft budget law on reducing the share of the Kurdistan region of the total budget from 17% to 12.67%, allocated for current expenditures and investment projects in the provinces of the region. 
    The budget included a price of 43.4 dollars per barrel of oil, with a capacity of 3.89 million barrels to top oil revenues and mineral wealth revenues close to 73 trillion Iraqi dinars (70 billion dollars). 
    Abbadi had previously described the budget of 2018 as an austerity directed to reduce government expenditures for presidencies and ministries and to secure wages and salaries of state employees.

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