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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A big tribute to the grant «Tamkeen» organized by the Association of Iraqi private banks

    Admin Assist
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     A big tribute to the grant «Tamkeen» organized by the Association of Iraqi private banks Empty A big tribute to the grant «Tamkeen» organized by the Association of Iraqi private banks

    Post by Rocky Wed 04 Apr 2018, 6:23 am

     A big tribute to the grant «Tamkeen» organized by the Association of Iraqi private banks

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    The Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers Mahdi Al-Alak, on the initiative of "Tamkeen" launched by the Association of Iraqi private banks for the rehabilitation and training of young people, explaining that the Iraqi banking sector in great progress, noting that the rate of implementation of the government program more than 75%, while the President of the Association of Private Banks Wadih The best way to end the unemployment crisis is to support small and medium-sized enterprises. He explained that the Association of Private Banks has succeeded in employing 90% of the youth participating in the Tamkeen grant as well as training more than 2,000 people working in the banking sector.
    The Secretary-General of the Council of Ministers, Mahdi Alallak in a meeting with the President of the Association of Iraqi private banks Wadih al-Hanal, on the empowerment of young people at the station in central Baghdad, and in the presence of elite Arab and Iraqi intellectuals participating in the Baghdad International Book Fair and attended by "Economy News", " The government program more than 75%, and some programs that have not been implemented because of the financial distress experienced by the country, as a result of the decline in oil prices in the global market, "noting that" the rise of oil prices to more than $ 60 will contribute to easing the financial crisis which is reassuring in the budget of 2018 "He said.
    He pointed out that the "Youth Empowerment Initiative is a step in addressing poverty through training and empowering them to improve their capabilities, which is the best option to end the crisis of poverty and not through the distribution of funds." He pointed out that "the most significant achievements at the Kuwait Conference is the opening of Iraq to investors and we will sign an end This month with a number of investors to implement projects, "adding that" the government worked to facilitate the work of investors to promote the economy of the country. "
    He added that "the Iraqi private sector is much better than it was in 2003, despite the critical transition that affected his work," stressing that "the State to sponsor the private sector, especially the private banking sector, which has a major role in addressing unemployment and poverty.
    He pointed out that "the banking sector during the stage in the recovery phase and it is necessary to have a large partnership with international banks, which reflects positively on the economy."
    For his part, said the President of the Association of Iraqi private banks, Wadih al-Hanal, that "the Association of Iraqi private banks supported and sponsored the Baghdad International Book Fair, which is part of the financial coverage, which aims to access banking services to all provinces and remote areas to pay all his needs and purchases through the card Banking, "noting that" the Association of private banks launched the initiative to empower young people to qualify 50 young men and women and employed more than 90% of them in the banking sector. "
    He pointed out that "the Association of private banks is training the staff of the banking sector in its headquarters in central Baghdad and signed memorandums of understanding and partnerships with many international economic organizations," noting that "the best way to eliminate the crises of unemployment and poverty is the establishment of small and medium enterprises and work on this aspect since the year 2007 and so far. "
    He added that "the Central Bank of Iraq over the past three years has a vision to promote the banking sector and support the community through the community initiatives that he set up," explaining that "political statements have distorted the reputation of the banking sector, which reflected negatively in the dealings with the global banking sector and began to solve this problem through To inform the global banks on the work and reality of Iraqi banks.
    He pointed out that "the Central Bank in cooperation with the Association of Private Banks launched a fund for community initiatives through financial contributions from the banking sector to support cultural, health, community and other projects."
    "The problem with Iraq is the lack of education, despite the good abilities of young people," said Microsoft program manager Ammar al-Khatib.
    Among the most prominent attendance at the symposium, the Iraqi director Salah Karam and Iraqi novelist Ali and the Palestinian Raed Wahash and Azhar Jarges and Lebanese Alawiya Sobh and others.
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