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    Kardashian does not rule out her candidacy for the presidency of the United States

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Kardashian does not rule out her candidacy for the presidency of the United States Empty Kardashian does not rule out her candidacy for the presidency of the United States

    Post by Rocky Mon 18 Jun 2018, 1:55 am

    Kardashian does not rule out her candidacy for the presidency of the United States Cadb87a040872ae5b4a51fd1277daca168-660x330

    Kardashian does not rule out her candidacy for the presidency of the United States

    The American actress and model, Kim Kardashian, has not ruled out entering the world of politics without specifying what her ambitions are.
    Asked if she intends to run for the US presidential election, Kardashian said: "Never," she said. "But that does not mean I'm starting to do that."
    "If more people ignore their personal feelings and start thinking about important things, it's possible to do bigger things," she said.
    It is worth mentioning that the model Kardashian has made efforts for a presidential amnesty for an American-African prisoner who has been serving a life sentence since 1996 after she was convicted in the drug trafficking case.
    US President Donald Trump has already pardoned the prisoner Alice Johnson, 63, and was released a few hours after the decision.

      Current date/time is Sat 25 Jan 2025, 9:03 pm