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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Abadi proposes the formation of a government that gathers all the political blocs winning in the ele

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    Abadi proposes the formation of a government that gathers all the political blocs winning in the ele Empty Abadi proposes the formation of a government that gathers all the political blocs winning in the ele

    Post by Rocky Thu 12 Jul 2018, 4:30 pm

    Abadi proposes the formation of a government that gathers all the political blocs winning in the elections
    July 12 2018 10:56 PM
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    [rtl][rtl]Haidar Abadi[/rtl]
    Baghdad Post

    Iraq news
    On Thursday, July 12, 2018, Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi proposed forming a government that would bring together all the political blocs that won the elections. He stressed the need for all components to participate in the next government.
    "Based on our relations with NATO over the past two years, NATO has decided to send a team under the direction of a Canadian commander and we confirm that it is not combat units, but units to train Iraqi security forces," Abadi told reporters in Brussels on the sidelines of an international coalition meeting against the organization. In various fields and achieve investment cooperation and security cooperation, "noting that" the world needs us as we need the world, Iraq has considerable experience in the fight against terrorism and intelligence effort, and therefore need to cooperate to fight terrorism. "
    As for the formation of the new Iraqi government, he said: "Of course you know that we believe in democracy, democracy produced several political blocs to cooperate together, and it is difficult for a mass or two to form a government, but we need the cooperation of all blocks."
    He explained: "Our approach is to participate all Iraqis and all the political blocs winning over the next four years, we have united in the face of urging and won, and we need to unite and cooperate for the stability of Iraq and move forward, Iraq in various components," stressing that " In the next government and we are keen on that and we are the middle case is a state of moderation and we want to attract everyone to it. "
    He went on saying: "We hope to form a government during the next few years, and this is not the hands of politicians, but the Electoral Commission, which has to end the counting and sorting and then announce the results and ratified by the Federal Court and then start countdown to the convening of parliament and the formation of the new government," continued: " This is very close, and at present we are working with the political blocs to make it faster. "
    Prime Minister Haider Abadi arrived in Brussels on Wednesday, July 11, 2018, to attend an international coalition meeting against a sympathetic organization and met with officials from all over the world.

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