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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    (WOW) Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d

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       (WOW)  Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d Empty (WOW) Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d

    Post by Rocky Thu 11 Oct 2018, 6:42 am


    Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion dinars

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    , said the Iraqi Central Bank on Thursday that the deletion of zeros still exists, indicating that the amount of money supply in the market of 44 trillion dinars. 

    The release manager lockers agency Abdul Karim Hassan Shannon in an interview with Alsumaria News that " the project to delete the zeros of the Iraqi currency is still valid , " adding to that " the project was supposed to initiate during 2014 , but the control of the organization Daesh five provinces led to Delay it. "

    "The project to delete the zeros is to delete three zeros from the current currency with the introduction of large currencies and the introduction of coins for the dinar parts." 

    Shannon pointed out that "the cash mass currently circulating in the markets is large, amounting to 44 trillion dinars," noting that " Iraq did not use the technological methods of payment, and therefore small groups of currency can be perishable for widespread use." 

    The Central Bank in 2011 put forward a project to delete the zeros for the structure of the currency, which was considered by the bank to transfer Iraq from the country of trillions to billions, that the project was met with great opposition by specialists and politicians in parliament.

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       (WOW)  Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d Empty Re: (WOW) Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d

    Post by chouchou Thu 11 Oct 2018, 10:50 am

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       (WOW)  Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d Empty Re: (WOW) Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d

    Post by weslin3 Thu 11 Oct 2018, 11:25 am

    chouchou wrote:Wow!
    WOW!!! WOW!!!

    Make that a double Wow!! hi
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       (WOW)  Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d Empty Re: (WOW) Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d

    Post by mochasmom Thu 11 Oct 2018, 11:35 am

    But when!!!
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       (WOW)  Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d Empty Re: (WOW) Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d

    Post by Lobo Thu 11 Oct 2018, 11:54 am

    Thanks Rocky, this is interesting timing with the issuance of the new 5 currencies and the reporting of even lower denominations to be introduced.  Praying it is soon.  It seems that the CBI is doing a lot of reporting on this in the last few weeks and days, indicating they are educating the citizens and encouraging everyone to open bank accounts and receiving governmental salaries on their SmartCards, which are international cards - once they RV.  They have already reported that sanctions have been released EVEN FROM THE CBI by the European Union.  They have reported in the past that they are international, there are new banks being opened in Iraq and Iraq is opening trade banks in two or three countries in the Middle East.  The CBI is monitoring the exchange companies - some have had their "charter" removed for not following established practices. MasterCard and Visa are now operational in Iraq, and they are operating point of service - meaning you can use them in stores, restaurants, etc. and get cash back - huge.

    If these lower denominations are released without an RV, it will be a complete disaster - they are not in circulation now because they are worthless.  They withdrew the 50 dinar note because no one used it.  NOW, they want to introduce it again- and they have mentioned "metal" in relation to currency - that to me, means coins which they are not using now.  THAT IS A HUGE TELLING POINT.  Also, there was an article reposted a couple of days ago from 2014 stating the delete the zeros was delayed for 5 years.  Five years IS NOW 2018/2019 - there is just too much news coming out.  And, as I understand it, Iraq's 2019 financial year started this past September - 2018.  Let's not forget that now the CBI governor has his signature on the new notes - which is recognized internationally that central bank governors of all nations have their signatures on the currency.  I am very excited that we could see this very soon.  Also, the 2019 budget has built in the cost of oil to be in the $50 - $60 range, give or take.  They can't run the country on that range for oil.  The GOI has previously stated that they have to have other "income" other than oil.  How can Iraq have other "income" if their currency is not internationally recognized.  One IMF rule is that they cannot have a multiple currency practice - they have to de-dollarize - if the RV doesn't come in at - at least 1 - 1, the Iraqis will not turn in the dollars for dinar - and might not even if it is 1 - 1.  I would think it would have to be a little more to give the dinar "stature" which is what Iraq wants.
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       (WOW)  Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d Empty Re: (WOW) Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d

    Post by Diamond Thu 11 Oct 2018, 1:12 pm

    good narrative Lobo, you've started connecting dots, its all coming together at the same time an that time is getting CLOSE!!!  bounce bounce bounce

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       (WOW)  Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d Empty Re: (WOW) Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d

    Post by Lobo Thu 11 Oct 2018, 1:31 pm

    Diamond, thanks-I think we are close, praying for all of us and the Iraqis as well.
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       (WOW)  Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d Empty Re: (WOW) Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d

    Post by Rocky Thu 11 Oct 2018, 2:10 pm

    I'm feeling lobo's assesment is correct, thanks lobo, amazing job

    soooo we need a siting government ?
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       (WOW)  Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d Empty Re: (WOW) Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d

    Post by Diamond Thu 11 Oct 2018, 2:31 pm

    believe so rocky

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       (WOW)  Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d Empty Re: (WOW) Central Bank: delete the zeros still exists and the monetary bloc amounts to 44 trillion d

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