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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros


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    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros Empty Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros

    Post by Proven Mon 04 May 2015, 8:00 am

    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros

    Agency eighth day May 4, 2015, 12:08 Without Comments 28 Reading
    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros
    BAGHDAD - ((eighth day))

    The Commission on Economy and Investment parliamentary member of the Charter of Hamdi, Monday, that the central bank can not delete the zeros due to the unstable economic situation, as pointed out that the bank regarding the treatment of these things will be printed new financial category worth fifty thousand dinars.

    Hamidi said that "the economic and investment commission parliamentary hosted on Sunday, the CBI director on the Keywords, and discussed for the provision of liquidity and increase demand for the dollar as well as the issues of disparity in the exchange rate."

    She said that Hamdi "Keywords stressed that the process of handling these things, where they will be printed new financial category worth fifty thousand dinars," indicating that "the Bank for printing percent category thousand dinars to a later time."

    She Hamidi that "the central bank can not delete the zeros because of the current situation and the unstable Iraqi economy", calling on the central bank to "increase revenue that will be supplied cash and liquidity and difficult process which eases the burden on the citizen."

    It is noteworthy that some economists believe that Iraq is not formatted for the time being to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that the deletion needs to be a security and political stability as well as stability of the economy. \ ST \

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    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros Empty Re: Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros

    Post by Proven Mon 04 May 2015, 8:03 am

    Vice: The Central Bank can not delete the zeros

    Follow-up - and babysit - stressed member of the economic and investment commission in Parliament, the Charter of Hamidi, said the central bank can not delete the zeros, because of the unstable economic situation, as pointed out that the bank regarding the treatment of these things will be printed new financial category worth fifty thousand dinars.

    Said Hamdi in a statement issued by, seen by news agency public opinion (and babysit), said on Monday that "the economic and investment commission parliamentary hosted last Sunday, the CBI Director, on the Keywords, and they discussed issues concerning the provision of liquidity and increase demand for the dollar as well as disparity in the exchange rate. "

    She said that Hamdi "Keywords stressed that the process of handling these things, where they will be printed new financial category worth fifty thousand dinars," indicating that "the Bank for printing percent category thousand dinars to a later time."

    She Hamidi that "the central bank can not delete the zeros, because of the current situation and the unstable Iraqi economy", calling on the central bank to "increase revenue that will provide cash and liquidity and difficult process which eases the burden on the citizen."

    He said the governor of the bank on the Keywords, in 3 of last March, said the project to delete the zeros existing project, has been put into practice and we gave the green light to start with, "adding that" the project needs a period of time may extend to two years or more. "

    It is noteworthy that some economists believe that Iraq is not formatted for the time being to delete the zeros of the Iraqi dinar, pointing out that the deletion needs to be a security and political stability as well as stability of the economy.

    Cain't Let Go Investor
    Cain't Let Go Investor

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    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros Empty Re: Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros

    Post by Stevethebrit Mon 04 May 2015, 8:13 am

    What are we to make of this then?
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    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros Empty Re: Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros

    Post by weslin3 Mon 04 May 2015, 8:44 am

    I don't know.... Who is this "She and Hamdi? Is this their opinon? Or from the CBI?

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    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros Empty Re: Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros

    Post by notazbad2000 Mon 04 May 2015, 9:20 am

    This has to be a part of the faction that doesn't want progression!



    The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
    Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963


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    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros Empty Re: Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros

    Post by Proven Mon 04 May 2015, 9:43 am

    Stevethebrit wrote:What are we to make of this then?

    Here are my thoughts:

    The delete the zeros project will address:

    issues concerning the provision of liquidity and increase demand for the dollar as well as disparity in the exchange rate.

    Here is a possible reference to lower denominations:

    the Bank for printing percent category thousand dinars to a later time.

    The CBI started electronic remittance in the beginning of March.  At the same time, the CBI stated that they were given the green light for implementation of the delete the zeros project.  This article states that the delete the zeros project started at the beginning of March.  It clearly indicates that the electronic remittance is part of the delete the zeros project which reduces the money supply.

    He said the governor of the bank on the Keywords, in 3 of last March, said the project to delete the zeros existing project, has been put into practice and we gave the green light to start with, "adding that" the project needs a period of time may extend to two years or more. "

    The CBI states that its was in process of printing a category worth 50,000 dinars.  In another articles, this was referred to as the 50 dinar note worth 50,000 dinars.  

    the bank regarding the treatment of these things will be printed new financial category worth fifty thousand dinars.

    Additionally, the CBI stated that these notes were ready for release.

    For his part, Governor of the Central Bank announced the completion of the final touches to issue a new currency of 50 000 dinars category which would reduce the volume of cash in circulation.

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    In a previous article, CBI stated that they do not want to release all the details of the delete the zeros project because they do not want to increase speculators.  Here we have another example.  It is obvious they do not want to tell us exactly when it is going to happen, but it will, as Iraq implements economic development. Monetary reform is an integral part of the process. 

    Cain't Let Go Investor
    Cain't Let Go Investor

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    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros Empty Re: Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros

    Post by noced71 Mon 04 May 2015, 10:03 am

    notazbad2000 wrote:This has to be a part of the faction that doesn't want progression!


    I am thinking your right, sounds like someone is just complaining, saying the timing (right now) is not right. Could this mean...can we speculate.....that after this committee meeting, that something is about to happen? It will be interesting to see what CBI articles come out during the next could of days.
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    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros Empty Re: Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros

    Post by mochasmom Mon 04 May 2015, 10:12 am

    Thanks guys!

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    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros Empty Re: Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros

    Post by Proven Mon 04 May 2015, 11:06 am

    Parliamentary Economy: Central Bank regarding the treatment of the deletion of zeros and printing of currency fifty thousand dinars category

    BAGHDAD - Iraq Press - 4 Hagia T / May: confirmed a member of the economic and investment commission in Parliament, the Charter of Hamdi, Monday, that "the central bank regarding the treatment of the deletion of zeros and printing of new financial category worth fifty thousand dinars.

    She continued by saying that "the economic and investment commission in Parliament on Sunday hosted, CBI director, were discussed issues concerning the provision of liquidity and increase demand for the dollar as well as the disparity in the exchange rate," pointing out that "on the Keywords stressed that the process of handling these things, where It will be printed new financial category worth fifty thousand dinars, while the order for printing percent category thousand dinars to a later time. "

    Hamdi The agency that "the central bank can not delete the zeros, because of the current situation and the unstable economy Aeragiwlabd the central bank to increase the revenue that will provide cash and liquidity and difficult process which eases the burden on the citizen." A ended. H

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    Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros Empty Re: Economic parliamentary: the central bank can not delete the zeros

    Post by Proven Mon 04 May 2015, 11:09 am

    Implementation of the amendments to the Investment law of 2006 will accomplish what they want explained here:

    She Hamidi that "the central bank can not delete the zeros because of the current situation and the unstable Iraqi economy", calling on the central bank to "increase revenue that will be supplied cash and liquidity and difficult process which eases the burden on the citizen."

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