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    NYSE Euronext Shutdown Before the Great Consolidation


    Posts : 10948
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    NYSE Euronext Shutdown Before the Great Consolidation Empty NYSE Euronext Shutdown Before the Great Consolidation

    Post by Neno Tue 25 Feb 2014, 6:59 pm

    NYSE Euronext Shutdown Before the Great Consolidation

    January 27, 2014 JC Collins 

    Hegelian Economics and Sovereign Defaults
    By JC Collins

    NYSE Euronext Shutdown Before the Great Consolidation New-york-stock-exchange

    In philosophy there is a term called the Hegelian Dialectic.  For those of you who don’t know, it is the resolution of conflict between two opposing positions by way of the revelation of a higher truth which serves to unite all.  There is a thesis, which is in contradiction to the antithesis, and both are united by the synthesis.  These are the triads of the Hegelian Dialectic.

    This philosophical principle has been widely used in our modern world as a form of manipulation.  In simpler terms, thesis becomes the problem, antithesis becomes the reaction to the problem, and synthesis becomes the solution, or reconciliation of the first two.

    In the coming weeks and months we will be witness to the perfection of this principle as it plays out on our televisions and across the internet world.  We will be told that the world is in danger of an economic collapse as the threat of sovereign debt defaults loom over us like a black shroud of inevitability.  Long gone will be talk of economic recovery.

    The “problem” will be too  much sovereign debt.  The “reaction” will be economic collapse.  The “solution” will be the Great Consolidation which will be sold as an economic restructuring.
    Each of the three steps will be micro-managed to an extreme to ensure the outcome.  The multitude of processes involved in each step have already been rehearsed many times.  One of the safeguards to protect against uncontrolled runaway collapse will be to shutdown the stock exchanges.

    Once the required drop has been achieved the trading floors will close.  We will be told this is too protect the system when in fact its allowing the new system to be uploaded and integrated world wide.  When the system is turned back on and the exchanges re-open, we will be functioning in the new economic system which has been developed over many years and endless geopolitical negotiations.

    The thesis/problem story is beginning to pick up speed.  Everyday there is more and more breaking news about debt, default and collapse.  Just in the last 48 hours we have heard news about fake CNN stories regarding China dumping their U.S. Treasury Bonds onto the market and closing the South China sea.  CNN quickly pulled the story from their website and said they were hacked.  Whether they were hacked or it was a story that was posted too soon, time will tell.  My thoughts are that China would stand to lose just as much as the U.S. if such an action were taken.  My best guess is that bond markets would be closed quickly if it did.

    Its also being reported that China has halted all Renminbi Foreign exchanges for nine days, along with putting the brakes on bank transfers within the country for three days.

    Stock markets are continuing the drop that started last week.  Talk of sovereign defaults are beginning in Europe as Bundesbank is telling European nations to initiate a one time “bail-in” on wealthy citizens.

    Currencies around the world are falling and now the U.S. Treasury 30 day bonds have been auctioned at 0%.  Shortly after the auction the rate went negative.  Negative Treasury bond rates have not been seen since right before the collapse of September, 2008.

    And in amongst all of these harbingers the price of gold and silver have not yet exploded into the stratosphere, even though demand is putting so much stress on gold mints that they are working 24/7 and still cannot keep up with how much the market wants.  JP Morgan has seen the largest one time withdrawal from their gold vault.  Most likely headed east to the BRICS Development Bank by way of China.  (Don’t ask me to provide supporting evidence.  The answer will be no.)  Gold and silver are in the highest demand around the world with no relative market movements. Obvious signs of price manipulation and management of Hegelian Economics.

    Expect the pace to quicken in the coming weeks.  Expect more harbingers of economic apocalypse.  Expect micro-management of the process as the NYSE Euronext and other trading floors are shutdown to prevent runaway collapse.

    But always remember that the synthesis, or solution, is following closely on the footsteps of doom.  And the solution will be the SDR supra-sovereign reserve currency as detailed in my essay series “SDR’s and the New Bretton Woods”.    - JC

    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 61
    Location : Lone Star State

    NYSE Euronext Shutdown Before the Great Consolidation Empty Re: NYSE Euronext Shutdown Before the Great Consolidation

    Post by Neno Mon 03 Mar 2014, 6:03 pm

    Once the required drop has been achieved the trading floors will close. We will be told this is too protect the system when in fact its allowing the new system to be uploaded and integrated world wide. When the system is turned back on and the exchanges re-open, we will be functioning in the new economic system which has been developed over many years and endless geopolitical negotiations. wrote:
    Another time fact line to watch for... ;)

    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 61
    Location : Lone Star State

    NYSE Euronext Shutdown Before the Great Consolidation Empty Re: NYSE Euronext Shutdown Before the Great Consolidation

    Post by Neno Mon 03 Mar 2014, 6:27 pm

    Forbes Contributor Robin Lewis: Currency War Could End in Global Monetary Collapse

    Monday, 03 Mar 2014 06:15 AM

    By Dan Weil

    A global currency war is raging, and the results may not be pretty, says Forbes contributor Robin Lewis.

    In the United States, exports may benefit temporarily, but not for the long term, he writes.

    And overall, “what if this time is different from all past deflationary and inflationary cycles? What if the international monetary system destabilizes and collapses, and inflation does not rise sharply?” Lewis says.

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