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    Iraq reveals the appointment of a special envoy to Erdogan on the water issue

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq reveals the appointment of a special envoy to Erdogan on the water issue Empty Iraq reveals the appointment of a special envoy to Erdogan on the water issue

    Post by Rocky Sun 07 Apr 2019, 1:48 am

    Iraq reveals the appointment of a special envoy to Erdogan on the water issue

    09:41 - 07/04/2019

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    Information / Baghdad ..
    The Iraqi Foreign Ministry revealed on Sunday the developments of the water file with neighboring Turkey, noting the appointment of a special envoy of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the file.
    "There are new developments in the water issue, including the appointment of a special envoy to the Turkish president and we are looking forward to his visit to Baghdad, and we can negotiate with him on the issue of water," senior foreign ministry official Nizar al-Khairullah said in an interview with Al-Sabah newspaper.
    "The issue of water is part of Iraqi national security and a strategic issue that interests Iraq," he said. "We are talking with the Turks about the importance and importance of coordination and understanding and finding new solutions to deal with the water issue."
    He added that "we talked with the Deputy Foreign Minister of Turkey in detail on the form of relations, and the possibility of investing the visit of the Turkish President to Baghdad, the Supreme Council for strategic cooperation, and review all memorandums of understanding and agreements between Iraq and Turkey," noting that "some of those memos and agreements have been time Long and can be reactivated ". Ending / 25

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