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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    Iraqi Foreign Ministry calls on the US Embassy to delete the offensive publication

    Admin Assist
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    Iraqi Foreign Ministry calls on the US Embassy to delete the offensive publication Empty Iraqi Foreign Ministry calls on the US Embassy to delete the offensive publication

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Apr 2019, 2:45 am

    [size=36]Iraqi Foreign Ministry calls on the US Embassy to delete the offensive publication[/size]

     | 11:56 - 27/04/2019

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    Baghdad Mawazine News 
    The Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs followed the publication issued by the US Embassy in Baghdad, which represented a violation of diplomatic norms and international rules governing the operation of missions in host countries. 
    "The deployment of a diplomatic mission in Iraq to publish leaflets targeting one of Iraq's neighbors and its religious or political symbols is contrary to the principles of the Iraqi constitution and Iraqi foreign policy, particularly the principles of good neighborliness and exclusionary policy," a ministry statement said. On the axes in foreign relations, and non-interference in the internal affairs of all countries. " 
    He added that Iraq adopts a policy based on the basic principles that its territory is not a corridor or a platform for harming neighboring countries or friendly countries or harming any of them, whether by means of media, economic, commercial, military or security.
    He explained that "what the US Embassy in Baghdad through the publication contrary to the nature of its work in the host country in accordance with the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations, and relevant international norms." 
    The Foreign Ministry stressed that "the missions operating in Iraq must respect the rules and international norms in their actions, and take into account in carrying out their duties the Constitution of Iraq, and its relations with all neighboring countries" demanding "the US Embassy to delete the offensive publication and refrain from issuing such publications in the future; Harms Iraq's relations with neighboring countries and friendly countries. " 
    m h n 

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    Admin Assist
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    Iraqi Foreign Ministry calls on the US Embassy to delete the offensive publication Empty Foreign Office calls on the US Embassy to delete its offending publication

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Apr 2019, 2:58 am


    Foreign Office calls on the US Embassy to delete its offending publication

    [rtl]Editorial Date: 2019/4/27 23:58 • 733 times read[/rtl]
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    {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Iraqi Foreign Ministry followed the publication issued by the US Embassy in Baghdad, which represented a violation of diplomatic norms and international rules governing the work of missions in host countries.
    "The deployment of a diplomatic mission in Iraq to publish leaflets targeting one of Iraq's neighbors, and its religious or political symbols contradicts the principles of the Iraqi constitution and Iraqi foreign policy, especially the principles of good neighborliness and the policy of exclusion," the ministry said in a statement. On the axes in foreign relations, and non-interference in the internal affairs of all countries. " 
    He added that Iraq adopts a policy based on the basic principles that its territory is not a corridor or a platform for harming neighboring countries or friendly countries or harming any of them, whether by means of media, economic, commercial, military or security. 
    He pointed out that "
    The Foreign Ministry stressed that "the missions operating in Iraq must respect the rules and international norms in their actions, and take into account in carrying out their duties the Constitution of Iraq, and its relations with all neighboring countries" demanding "the US Embassy to delete the offensive publication and refrain from issuing such publications in the future; Harms Iraq's relations with neighboring countries and friendly countries. "

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    Admin Assist
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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraqi Foreign Ministry calls on the US Embassy to delete the offensive publication Empty Araji identifies two "no-two" interpretations of the publications of the US Embassy in Baghdad

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Apr 2019, 4:06 am

    Araji identifies two "no-two" interpretations of the publications of the US Embassy in Baghdad

    11:34 - 28/04/2019

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    BAGHDAD - 
    Former Deputy Prime Minister Bahaa al-Araji said on Sunday that the US embassy in Baghdad had made a final statement on its Facebook page as a "test balloon" and identified two "no" explanations. 
    "The recent statements by the American Embassy in Baghdad, especially what was published on its official website in one of the social media outlets regarding the false news about Mr. Khamenei's wealth, are a test balloon for the political forces that stand with Iran and its mentor," Araji said in a statement. "He said.
    He added that "while we condemn such statements, we would like to show to all, especially the Iraqi government, that the missions of embassies of all countries of the world - in accordance with the laws - is concerned with the country in which it exists and does not exceed its limits, and such statements, "Either the United States considers Iraq to be a proxy of Iran, or it is a clear and explicit declaration of the use of Iraqi territory to respond to Iran, especially if we know that all wars and confrontations are preceded by media statements that are the primary weapons of those wars." 
    Araji called on the Iraqi government and all political forces to "unify the situation to demand the US Embassy to make a statement first and then take appropriate legal action." Ending / 25

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    Iraqi Foreign Ministry calls on the US Embassy to delete the offensive publication Empty Re: Iraqi Foreign Ministry calls on the US Embassy to delete the offensive publication

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