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    Eight points to fully resolve the Iraq crisis ”

    Admin Assist
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    Eight points to fully resolve the Iraq crisis ” Empty Eight points to fully resolve the Iraq crisis ”

    Post by Rocky Sun 27 Oct 2019, 3:03 am

    POSTED ON [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Eight points to fully resolve the Iraq crisis ”[/size]

    [size=45]The only person qualified to solve the Iraq crisis at the moment is Mr. Ali al-Sistani, may Allah be pleased with him. # First: Mr. al-Sistani should call the following five names to meet them at his home and live broadcast through all available media channels, Barham Saleh, Adel Abdul Mahdi, Halbousi, Masoud Barzani, Muqtada al-Sadr, in addition to the chief of staff of the army and the commander of the federal police .. ## Second: the request to convene an emergency session of the parliament chaired by the eldest, does not have a quorum in which the importance is important, but ordered them to become legislation with the existing law. Ordering them to: Amend the election law to open lists in order to increase the parliamentary seats allocated to them; The province shall be full and the electoral district shall be one and predetermined by the nomination open to all Iraqis who are present at home exclusively and without any financial amounts paid in advance to participate in it. The sequence of lists of candidates in the electoral constituency during the (governorate) shall be based on lottery only. Member of the Governing Council At Aawou is even higher. And that early elections will be held within six months .. And that the government of Adel Abdul-Mahdi remains an interim government to manage the matter until the completion of the next elections The first winners of this list will be elected to parliament, taking into consideration the feminist quota, deputy minister or parliamentary deputy, and the quota of minorities. And that early elections will be held within six months .. And that the government of Adel Abdul-Mahdi remains an interim government to manage the matter until the completion of the next elections The first winners of this list will be elected to parliament, taking into consideration the feminist quota, deputy minister or parliamentary deputy, and the quota of minorities. And that early elections will be held within six months .. And that the government of Adel Abdul-Mahdi remains an interim government to manage the matter until the completion of the next elections
    [size=45]### Third: The shaking of Iraq and anyone who holds more through this session of Parliament is: Abolition of pensions for all who live in all special grades. Disruption of Iraqi nationality and all politicians, deputies, former ministers and constitutional dissolution of the House of Representatives. #### Fourthly:[/size]
    [size=45]Without interference, the Commission of one of the following countries shall be contracted to supervise the forthcoming elections, in all their details, and from whomever any Iraqi was present: Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark or New Zealand.[/size]
    [size=45]Contract with the Commission of one of these countries through Mr. Sistani exclusively ..[/size]
    [size=45]##### Fifth:[/size]
    [size=45]18 candidates will be the first winner in each province will be a candidate for the presidency of the Republic and thus will have to vote within the dome of parliament to choose the president who is responsible for the composition of the cabinet and the executive branch in all its details and to appoint who is a municipal director and district director and above. The first winner will be a candidate. Future laws shall be submitted to the President of the Republic.[/size]
    [size=45]Sixth: Change the title of MP to the title of parliamentary servant because it is in the service of the people who[/size]
    [size=45]He must not be nominated for more than two sessions only and each session is four years, and be selected by the aggregate of other additions such as his monthly salary allowance or equivalent to the monthly salary of a teacher or government employee and without housing or other and to have one person accompanying Only he will have a guard and a secretary driver. #### Seventh: ### The new president must submit a draft law to disband all militias and all their designations and all branches and to carry arms exclusively by the state and its institutions. ######## VIII ::[/size]
    [size=45]Fatwa must vote in the upcoming elections ..[/size]
    [size=45]Hussein Jaber Al - Husseini[/size]

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